🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之五 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #5 🎄



但是光是從外面看就很有感覺啊!實在很美,其實美不用太複雜,精緻簡單,掌握一些原則就可以了。聽說這條藍色隧道又叫做「Tiffany隧道」,可能是跟珠寶品牌著名的Tiffany Blue來聯想吧?我也沒去查說不定還真是贊助的... 不重要... 重要的是這黑夜裡的藍色珠寶隧道... 真的是很美喔!

後半段我找了一些媒體照片(跟影片!),讓大家以及我都能彌補一下遺憾沒能到裡面去... 只能說:哇!

This post is the start of my own #christmas-countdown for recording what we have seen when we take our kid out this year in Taipei. You are welcome to join this recording, share how your city decorate herself in this coming Christmas! Today I am sharing some more photos from visiting New Taipei City's Christmas Land this year. This one is focused on the blue light tunnel. It was stunning but that's why it was too crowded that we couldn't enter it on that day. But I still managed to take some good shots to share with you.







I searched on internet to locate some spot photos from the media and youtubers so you get to see how amazing it is to be inside it ... I need to experience this too! :)



這段影片好驚人啊,要小心別頭暈了~~~~ 記得螢幕切到最大,會很有感覺的喔!

I have also found this great video on youtube. Now you and I can both experience this blue light tunnel like we were inside! Just awesome... Don't get dizzy! :)

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之一 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #1 🎄

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之二 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #2 🎄

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之三 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #3 🎄

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之四 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #4 🎄




Hello. It is great. I love it.

Very nice lights! They look like the stars in the sky. I was hoping to see them blinking in synchronized patterns though.

WOW! Insane :)

Whoa, these lights looks awesome.

Wow! The light tunnel makes me feel like I'm in space.

the lighting makes it looks awesome , truly Christmas is here

wow ! interesting lights video. this lights look amazing. i like your post.
happy upcoming christmas day.have a nice day.
upvoted and resteem

ohhh its seems its going to be agreat christmas this year

extraordinary and unavailable lights photo shot. i am really interested in your christmas lights video.happy christmas.
followed ,,upvoted ,, resteem.@deanliu

I like illumination.

it's so beautiful!


Can't wait for this Christmas Eve.... God, don't you just hate it when you got the best presents for your loved ones and you have to wait to give them?

I am suffering so much xD

that's an interesting angle ... :)

I do not understand Chinese language but seeing your post looks like I read using google transilator... :)




beautiful pictures

that is awesome light! I haven't been Taipei yet! I really want to go one day. :)

Happy new year 2018

Oh wow! These lights look so amazing and christmasy :)