🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之六:最後一次 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #6 - Finale 🎄



況且,愛與歡樂與平安,有什麼好抗拒的呢?誰能對一個滿臉白鬍鬚的可愛胖老人說不呢?呵呵 ... 厚厚厚~~~更何況聖誕歌曲裡還有中國元素呢!(誰知道?)所以,我似乎越來越不排斥,讓我兒子也開啟這段西方人熟悉的「聖誕老公公」孽緣了 ... (孽緣,是因為最後他們都得發現,這個慈祥老公公並不存在...)。總之一句話,隨性,隨喜,隨緣,隨興之所至了 ...

酒店裡的聖誕樹,跟往年一樣在同一個地方,一樣晚上會有假的拿工資的“聖誕老人”來跟大家(通常是小朋友拍照),挑高的天花板掛著巨大的禮物,處處都有聖誕相關的裝飾 ... 等一下寫完這篇,我就要帶孩子下去看聖誕老人,可能不給他拍照了,通常排隊都排很長,但今天晚上可能打算開啟他的床頭掛聖誕襪子傳統,讓他明天早上可以迫不急待起床找襪子裡的禮物,哈哈!


聖誕倒數在台北系列,在此謝幕,明年再見,預祝大家聖誕快熱囉! ^_^


Merry Christmas everyone!!!This post is the start of my own #christmas-countdown for recording what we have seen when we take our kid out this year in Taipei. You are welcome to join this recording, share how your city decorate herself in this coming Christmas! Today will be the last post of this little series of #christmas-countdown as there are only less than two days before the arrival of Christmas in Taipei and currently we are enjoying a three-day getaway in a hotel in Taipei. Yeah, this year has been magnificent yet still been really exhausting for me so a good rest can really help. Therefore, the Christmas decorations in this hotel becomes the perfect target for my last countdown! I hope you enjoy them like those five previous countdowns! See you next year and

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之一 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #1 🎄

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之二 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #2 🎄

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之三 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #3 🎄

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之四 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #4 🎄

🎄 聖誕倒數在台北之五 🎄 Christmas Countdown in Taipei #5 🎄







最後附上一張今天清晨在房間拍攝的『台北101晨曦間現身』照片 ,頗有一種,2018年充滿希望的感覺呢!過完聖誕,就是新年了,但願各位的2018年,無論幣升幣降,都能夠充滿希望,勇往直前哪!^_^

Last photo is shot this morning in the hotel room, capturing sun rise from the cloud with Taipei 101 - Taiwan's tallest building and also among the tallest in Asia. It seems to symbolize a great year ahead in the coming 2018! So I wish all of you a fantastic year despite of any price fluctuations





I just took my son downstairs to watch the Santa Claus and there were such a long queue waiting to take a photo with him! And I took some more Christmas at nightphotos to share below!





Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 ho ho ho ~

Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 ho ho ho ~



Verybody countdown Christmas day. Big waiting. Excellent photography. Merry Christmas.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Christmas is the blessed season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love! I wish you a merry Christmas! @deanliu

Merry Christmas!

thats really a great post..
keep it up..

thank you @deanliu

follow our account and do not forget the vote.....

Nice post! Christmas is very big event, Jesus is the reason for the season. Happy xmas to you. I follow and upvote you.

Merry Christmas!

Hello, great work, i liked your post and reward it with upvote.

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These pictures are stunning! Merry Christmas and may you have a blessed and prosperious New Year!

点赞机器人 聖誕快樂啊!