I woke up at 7am all sweaty, had goosebumps all over and was feeling really sick, I heard my name come from the living room and I went to join the family, half way into the living room I felt a twitch in my head and I was seeing stars, I was just on the third out of fifteen steps and I slipped...I'm @official-hord and I will be telling y'all about my mom, basically anyone would do this but my mom is like a goddess and I'll tell you why....
Rolling down fifteen tiled stealing all I could think of was the look of death and her friends...
I kept hearing screams of my mom but I could see or feel nothing, it all seemed like I was dead and my ghost was hearing them I didn't know what I was thinking any longer until I woke up on the hospital bed.
what day was it I asked the nurse, Lo and behold it was three weeks after I fell and my mom was stretched out on a bed beside me and was been covered up to be taken to the mortuary as she was confirmed dead already.... I held tight to the nurses crying and I asked what happened,
You have her heart in you
I dropped, how on earth did this happen? why did she do this for me? all these and more kept coming and most of all... how do I say thank you?