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RE: For all Climate Change deniers | Fuer AFD Anhaenger [Eng&Ger]

in #climate6 years ago

its a product tax not income tax. it taxes the consumption of a product not the income its self. in this case oil.

its not like europe is ok with trump polluting all he wants, its just that he is an uncontrollable moron. china is doing quite well moving to e-busses, they just need more renewable energy powerplants. developing countries will need support to grow sustainable. DW has an entire series about eco-africa how innovative solutions in africa, plus they mostly power their country with hydro/solar power. what about stratospheric aerosol injection? are you talking about chemtrails? I agree with you though on the mark twain quote. indonesia is btw moving its capital due to rising sea levels and satalite data are usually on an ftp server or sftp server (atleast for ESA) compressed in netcdf files (i hate that data format) not some kind of sketchy blog written by some whacko.


All that eco africa garbage and lies about budding economies. China was beneficiary to the outsourcing and deconstruction of American manufacturing. Finally, America has a president that least appears to fight for Nationalism even if it is to mostly benefit Isra-hell.

You call Mike Adams a whacko. He has build a world renown lab that tests for glyphosate in almost everything. You obviously didnt read any of the articles because you would have seen the links to the cabalist institutions you support.

Ooooo a new dataformat for me to learn. Not like they are trying to move so fast that people can't discover the half truths or anything.

Here is a cool new video I just saw showing how the beloved theif Einstein was wrong.

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i dont feel like arguing with you anymore. all i get from it is flags and lower reputation. find someone else to harrass.