solar spots and milankovitch cycle are all predictable cycles that determine how much sunlight reaches where on earth. greenhouse gasses determine how much heat energy we send back and ice or albido how much we reflect back. I tried to research about a rapid polar shift but could not find a rapid one. just a degree every million years. i looked into this interesting paper that had managed to look at the moving poles over serveral million years. still with their rapid movement of poles was described again in degrees per millions of years.
geomagnetic reversal takes place over 200 years atleast. so far im only seeing that there will be more radiation and charged particles will not be trapped in the magnetic field during the magnetopause and i also read there will be more vulcanic activity. it may also damage our electrical equipment.
i couldnt find about thomas theory?
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Chan Thomas has a unique take on Catastrophism. His ideas are similar to or derived from Charles Hapgood's crust displacement hypothesis. It appears Einstein lent credence to the idea, as he wrote the forward to Hapgood's book entitled The Earth's Shifting Crust, published in 1958.
True or not, it would seem to make sense of some things that modern theories are unable to address. Like for example, the flash froze woolly mammoth who died suddenly while eating buttercups, a flower that would not have grown in a frozen climate.
The CIA classified Chan's book after it's publication. The link I sent you is only the recently declassified portions. I'm not sure what he stumbled upon that was so sensitive, but it appears it was something verboten.