生成时间: 2017-08-30 04:00:05(UTC)
时间覆盖: 2017-08-28 00:00:00(UTC)
至 2017-08-29 00:00:00(UTC)
文章范围: 上述时间范围内中文区发表的文章(cn
用户范围: 符合上述文章范围的文章作者
数据统计: 文章数237
, 发帖用户数172
[2017-08-28] Top 20 posts (sorted by payout)
[2017-08-28] Top 20 posts (sorted by votes)
Top 20 authors (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | Rep | VP(%) | Online | Value |
1 | @chinadaily | 73.54 | 89.92 | 396 | 9432.03 |
2 | @myfirst | 72.22 | 19.45 | 403 | 9479.21 |
3 | @elfkitchen | 72.21 | 90.98 | 401 | 4634.39 |
4 | @oflyhigh | 72.17 | 77.48 | 401 | 23112.82 |
5 | @birds90 | 71.73 | 81.65 | 357 | 4718.29 |
6 | @ace108 | 71.51 | 53.52 | 409 | 23346.23 |
7 | @deanliu | 70.92 | 27.53 | 411 | 20381.21 |
8 | @helene | 70.34 | 47.55 | 395 | 18719.92 |
9 | @shieha | 69.97 | 62.79 | 382 | 10794.91 |
10 | @rivalhw | 69.94 | 68.50 | 397 | 11411.83 |
11 | @lemooljiang | 69.91 | 71.89 | 409 | 12371.56 |
12 | @bullionstackers | 69.68 | 82.12 | 407 | 21978.80 |
13 | @rea | 68.36 | 95.10 | 411 | 43173.89 |
14 | @jubi | 66.79 | 30.61 | 234 | 3557.83 |
15 | @justyy | 66.75 | 63.71 | 374 | 5161.69 |
16 | @someone | 66.13 | 98.00 | 505 | 3161.34 |
17 | @tumutanzi | 66.13 | 73.69 | 390 | 7116.93 |
18 | @joythewanderer | 65.99 | 22.84 | 410 | 11577.47 |
19 | @stacee | 65.73 | 54.98 | 360 | 4193.47 |
20 | @michaellamden68 | 65.57 | 53.22 | 420 | 7396.35 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by Estimated Account Value)
Rank. | ID | STEEM | SP | SBD | Value |
1 | @davidding | 1.31 | 103658.25 | 508.17 | 153198.70 |
2 | @czechglobalhosts | 0.00 | 94976.72 | 16.91 | 139917.62 |
3 | @nextgen622 | 1316.06 | 30013.78 | 2.85 | 46151.71 |
4 | @rea | 0.00 | 29129.47 | 266.18 | 43173.89 |
5 | @lawrenceho84 | 0.00 | 17438.93 | 53.17 | 25740.71 |
6 | @ace108 | 1147.75 | 12438.64 | 3333.48 | 23346.23 |
7 | @oflyhigh | 18.13 | 15375.84 | 437.50 | 23112.82 |
8 | @bullionstackers | 10.22 | 13861.38 | 1545.94 | 21978.80 |
9 | @deanliu | 199.29 | 12068.58 | 2310.64 | 20381.21 |
10 | @helene | 21.14 | 11977.38 | 1046.10 | 18719.92 |
11 | @isaaclab | 504.00 | 10780.41 | 459.01 | 17080.96 |
12 | @lemooljiang | 22.95 | 8298.24 | 114.45 | 12371.56 |
13 | @joythewanderer | 0.00 | 7441.16 | 616.64 | 11577.47 |
14 | @rivalhw | 0.00 | 6532.06 | 1790.11 | 11411.83 |
15 | @shieha | 0.00 | 7304.59 | 35.24 | 10794.91 |
16 | @myfirst | 0.45 | 6361.95 | 107.39 | 9479.21 |
17 | @chinadaily | 488.57 | 5805.64 | 160.67 | 9432.03 |
18 | @superhardness | 0.00 | 5101.35 | 4.51 | 7518.81 |
19 | @htliao | 0.00 | 4985.37 | 80.98 | 7424.43 |
20 | @michaellamden68 | 1412.21 | 3599.35 | 14.30 | 7396.35 |
- Rep: Reputation, steemit网站上用于衡量用户信誉度的分值
- VP: Voting Power, 用户剩余的投票能量,满值是100%,投票越多下降越快,随时间缓慢恢复
- SP: SteemPower, 影响力代币,持有越多,点赞得到回报越丰厚,对别人文章收益影响越大
- Value: Estimated Account Value, 用户账户估值
- Online: Online days, 用户在线天数,从注册时算起
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