生成时间: 2019-10-21 00:00:02(UTC)
时间覆盖: 2019-10-14 00:00:00(UTC)
至2019-10-21 00:00:00(UTC)
用户范围: 近7日中文区发帖用户(cn
数据统计: 文章数987
, 发帖用户数195
Top 20 authors (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | Rep | ESP | Online | Value |
1 | @chinadaily | 78.22 | 3170.70 | 1177 | 1292.83 |
2 | @oflyhigh | 77.86 | 106635.73 | 1182 | 12944.00 |
3 | @deanliu | 76.56 | 68014.67 | 1193 | 4803.29 |
4 | @joythewanderer | 76.32 | 31049.63 | 1192 | 7089.63 |
5 | @travelgirl | 75.47 | 18521.04 | 843 | 4629.67 |
6 | @ace108 | 74.71 | 88385.78 | 1190 | 8262.06 |
7 | @htliao | 74.38 | 9254.04 | 894 | 6153.46 |
8 | @rivalhw | 74.07 | 69780.04 | 1179 | 4368.25 |
9 | @justyy | 73.54 | 82464.18 | 1156 | 4694.43 |
10 | @blackbunny | 72.73 | 1318.97 | 1023 | 1525.79 |
11 | @lemooljiang | 72.17 | 22196.64 | 1191 | 4542.65 |
12 | @livinguktaiwan | 71.71 | 11438.05 | 851 | 2831.26 |
13 | @aaronli | 70.80 | 2854.92 | 859 | 1448.27 |
14 | @ericet | 70.31 | 1697.67 | 635 | 3002.37 |
15 | @shanghaipreneur | 70.24 | 2991.56 | 1181 | 1040.49 |
16 | @ffcrossculture | 70.06 | 10739.81 | 1175 | 2247.44 |
17 | @honoru | 69.77 | 261.92 | 597 | 1988.31 |
18 | @elizacheng | 69.65 | 3272.80 | 1007 | 1190.59 |
19 | @aafeng | 69.60 | 3557.77 | 821 | 1011.89 |
20 | @susanli3769 | 69.50 | 5817.29 | 850 | 1912.32 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by Effective SP)
Rank. | ID | Rep | ESP | Online | Value |
1 | @oflyhigh | 77.86 | 106635.73 | 1182 | 12944.00 |
2 | @nextgen622 | 68.39 | 104612.17 | 1178 | 9623.52 |
3 | @ace108 | 74.71 | 88385.78 | 1190 | 8262.06 |
4 | @justyy | 73.54 | 82464.18 | 1156 | 4694.43 |
5 | @cnstm | 64.69 | 75267.53 | 361 | 409.63 |
6 | @rivalhw | 74.07 | 69780.04 | 1179 | 4368.25 |
7 | @deanliu | 76.56 | 68014.67 | 1193 | 4803.29 |
8 | @june0620 | 66.97 | 37893.15 | 795 | 8697.48 |
9 | @joythewanderer | 76.32 | 31049.63 | 1192 | 7089.63 |
10 | @lemooljiang | 72.17 | 22196.64 | 1191 | 4542.65 |
11 | @nineteensixteen | 66.67 | 20364.28 | 403 | 7870.47 |
12 | @team-cn | 66.15 | 19155.54 | 570 | 518.62 |
13 | @travelgirl | 75.47 | 18521.04 | 843 | 4629.67 |
14 | @pet.society | 62.68 | 15117.67 | 489 | 344.30 |
15 | @livinguktaiwan | 71.71 | 11438.05 | 851 | 2831.26 |
16 | @ffcrossculture | 70.06 | 10739.81 | 1175 | 2247.44 |
17 | @windowglass | 61.40 | 10364.19 | 741 | 3736.50 |
18 | @cnbuddy-reward | 44.00 | 10328.09 | 15 | 3.00 |
19 | @cnvote | 50.85 | 9539.58 | 44 | 1947.19 |
20 | @htliao | 74.38 | 9254.04 | 894 | 6153.46 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by SP)
Rank. | ID | Rep | SP | Online | Value |
1 | @oflyhigh | 77.86 | 59397.02 | 1182 | 12944.00 |
2 | @nextgen622 | 68.39 | 46632.39 | 1178 | 9623.52 |
3 | @june0620 | 66.97 | 42352.19 | 795 | 8697.48 |
4 | @ace108 | 74.71 | 37773.92 | 1190 | 8262.06 |
5 | @nineteensixteen | 66.67 | 37306.51 | 403 | 7870.47 |
6 | @joythewanderer | 76.32 | 28712.16 | 1192 | 7089.63 |
7 | @htliao | 74.38 | 28116.78 | 894 | 6153.46 |
8 | @deanliu | 76.56 | 23201.83 | 1193 | 4803.29 |
9 | @justyy | 73.54 | 22663.26 | 1156 | 4694.43 |
10 | @lemooljiang | 72.17 | 22196.64 | 1191 | 4542.65 |
11 | @travelgirl | 75.47 | 21659.10 | 843 | 4629.67 |
12 | @rivalhw | 74.07 | 21196.68 | 1179 | 4368.25 |
13 | @windowglass | 61.40 | 17974.93 | 741 | 3736.50 |
14 | @ericet | 70.31 | 14620.47 | 635 | 3002.37 |
15 | @livinguktaiwan | 71.71 | 13716.71 | 851 | 2831.26 |
16 | @ety001 | 66.69 | 12026.77 | 836 | 2454.67 |
17 | @ffcrossculture | 70.06 | 10739.81 | 1175 | 2247.44 |
18 | @honoru | 69.77 | 9737.24 | 597 | 1988.31 |
19 | @cnvote | 50.85 | 9539.58 | 44 | 1947.19 |
20 | @m18207319997 | 64.32 | 9094.85 | 274 | 1891.86 |
Top 20 authors (sorted by Estimated Account Value)
Rank. | ID | STEEM | SP | SBD | Value |
1 | @oflyhigh | 3911.08 | 59397.02 | 28.45 | 12944.00 |
2 | @nextgen622 | 170.50 | 46632.39 | 75.22 | 9623.52 |
3 | @june0620 | 239.69 | 42352.19 | 8.27 | 8697.48 |
4 | @ace108 | 2376.14 | 37773.92 | 71.01 | 8262.06 |
5 | @nineteensixteen | 500.62 | 37306.51 | 157.41 | 7870.47 |
6 | @joythewanderer | 6039.04 | 28712.16 | 0.00 | 7089.63 |
7 | @htliao | 2042.80 | 28116.78 | 0.58 | 6153.46 |
8 | @deanliu | 342.04 | 23201.83 | 0.08 | 4803.29 |
9 | @justyy | 343.72 | 22663.26 | 0.75 | 4694.43 |
10 | @travelgirl | 965.73 | 21659.10 | 13.96 | 4629.67 |
11 | @lemooljiang | 69.87 | 22196.64 | 0.04 | 4542.65 |
12 | @rivalhw | 215.15 | 21196.68 | 0.00 | 4368.25 |
13 | @windowglass | 143.54 | 17974.93 | 40.14 | 3736.50 |
14 | @ericet | 96.26 | 14620.47 | 0.00 | 3002.37 |
15 | @livinguktaiwan | 128.42 | 13716.71 | 6.70 | 2831.26 |
16 | @ety001 | 5.03 | 12026.77 | 0.05 | 2454.67 |
17 | @ffcrossculture | 98.41 | 10739.81 | 36.32 | 2247.44 |
18 | @honoru | 8.71 | 9737.24 | 0.03 | 1988.31 |
19 | @cnvote | 0.08 | 9539.58 | 1.00 | 1947.19 |
20 | @wilhb81 | 2649.21 | 6488.69 | 71.75 | 1935.98 |
Authors Sort by userID (Alphabetical order) 按用户名排序
Rank. | ID | Rep | ESP | Online | Value |
1 | @aafeng | 69.60 | 87.68 | 821 | 1011.89 |
2 | @aaronli | 70.80 | 81.81 | 859 | 1448.27 |
3 | @abcallen | 63.06 | 66.43 | 566 | 119.16 |
4 | @abccoin | 50.23 | 97.99 | 79 | 0.00 |
5 | @ace108 | 74.71 | 69.98 | 1190 | 8262.06 |
6 | @aellly | 66.78 | 82.01 | 631 | 841.53 |
7 | @ahua | 52.75 | 95.49 | 373 | 6.87 |
8 | @also.einstein | 55.96 | 80.93 | 641 | 55.49 |
9 | @ancient-light | 64.68 | 89.73 | 511 | 146.30 |
10 | @angelina6688 | 67.05 | 98.46 | 729 | 936.32 |
11 | @annepink | 66.29 | 82.72 | 474 | 403.42 |
12 | @annzhao | 51.77 | 81.50 | 38 | 7.21 |
13 | @arcange-cn | 55.25 | 97.99 | 261 | 18.18 |
14 | @bear1997 | 51.27 | 97.99 | 510 | 28.33 |
15 | @bitandi | 61.83 | 90.73 | 573 | 296.63 |
16 | @blackbunny | 72.73 | 86.69 | 1023 | 1525.79 |
17 | @blawe | 37.28 | 97.99 | 5 | 0.00 |
18 | @bluewinter | 56.45 | 78.54 | 714 | 36.21 |
19 | @boxldl | 40.66 | 80.39 | 7 | 0.09 |
20 | @bring | 65.43 | 35.70 | 1095 | 173.97 |
21 | @brucejamlover | 55.10 | 98.05 | 144 | 28.52 |
22 | @candy.tang | 45.84 | 0.00 | 210 | 2.86 |
23 | @cecilian | 58.45 | 69.35 | 319 | 100.93 |
24 | @changxiu | 58.93 | 97.09 | 501 | 100.51 |
25 | @cherrylp147 | 50.54 | 79.70 | 37 | 1.20 |
26 | @cherryzz | 60.87 | 82.50 | 471 | 205.69 |
27 | @cheva | 63.35 | 86.32 | 702 | 498.58 |
28 | @chinadaily | 78.22 | 90.38 | 1177 | 1292.83 |
29 | @chris55 | 46.36 | 85.09 | 12 | 27.23 |
30 | @cn-activity | 63.28 | 77.55 | 358 | 117.27 |
31 | @cn-hello | 53.47 | 94.59 | 255 | 16.75 |
32 | @cn-malaysia | 65.54 | 94.39 | 586 | 362.88 |
33 | @cn-sct | 50.01 | 87.70 | 105 | 8.63 |
34 | @cn-trail | 52.72 | 92.55 | 16 | 59.30 |
35 | @cn-union | 51.30 | 0.00 | 95 | 5.84 |
36 | @cn-voice | 55.53 | 96.08 | 290 | 15.64 |
37 | @cnbuddy-reward | 44.00 | 90.46 | 15 | 3.00 |
38 | @cnstm | 64.69 | 97.32 | 361 | 409.63 |
39 | @cnvote | 50.85 | 90.57 | 44 | 1947.19 |
40 | @cryptocurrencyhk | 56.49 | 96.04 | 777 | 115.03 |
41 | @cryptof | 61.00 | 57.79 | 227 | 46.38 |
42 | @dailychina | 66.14 | 92.40 | 659 | 280.38 |
43 | @dailypro | 65.70 | 90.89 | 650 | 1082.78 |
44 | @datui | 49.39 | 0.00 | 282 | 0.39 |
45 | @dcq134201 | 40.74 | 97.99 | 10 | 0.00 |
46 | @deanliu | 76.56 | 61.38 | 1193 | 4803.29 |
47 | @devyleona | 64.57 | 81.88 | 309 | 244.79 |
48 | @donaldtrump2 | 39.46 | 0.00 | 166 | 2.05 |
49 | @elizacheng | 69.65 | 84.94 | 1007 | 1190.59 |
50 | @ellashen | 48.75 | 0.00 | 209 | 0.00 |
51 | @ericet | 70.31 | 74.60 | 635 | 3002.37 |
52 | @ericjiang | 48.79 | 97.99 | 167 | 19.01 |
53 | @ety001 | 66.69 | 83.93 | 836 | 2454.67 |
54 | @everrich | 55.42 | 72.52 | 837 | 42.89 |
55 | @fanyidan | 48.72 | 0.00 | 699 | 2.93 |
56 | @ffcrossculture | 70.06 | 92.57 | 1175 | 2247.44 |
57 | @funny-china | 35.91 | 96.05 | 9 | 0.00 |
58 | @fyjs | 46.40 | 0.00 | 205 | 3.83 |
59 | @gaming360 | 33.71 | 97.99 | 828 | 1.32 |
60 | @gglm888 | 46.11 | 77.13 | 532 | 1.22 |
61 | @gillianlien | 56.44 | 97.99 | 86 | 17.33 |
62 | @ginafraser | 51.13 | 97.99 | 888 | 24.31 |
63 | @glj | 52.70 | 97.99 | 165 | 15.89 |
64 | @gloriay | 40.03 | 97.99 | 85 | 0.00 |
65 | @haorizi | 25.00 | 72.23 | 5 | 0.00 |
66 | @haoshenghuo | 40.59 | 99.97 | 3 | 0.00 |
67 | @hertz300 | 60.79 | 81.32 | 166 | 111.78 |
68 | @hhhhxie | 38.92 | 94.14 | 5 | 0.00 |
69 | @hkfree | 45.85 | 96.59 | 67 | 0.52 |
70 | @hmayak | 60.18 | 77.18 | 596 | 287.32 |
71 | @honey00 | 54.99 | 93.81 | 374 | 27.99 |
72 | @honeyday | 49.53 | 96.04 | 302 | 7.17 |
73 | @honoru | 69.77 | 76.87 | 597 | 1988.31 |
74 | @honoru.battle | 31.44 | 93.34 | 103 | 0.14 |
75 | @honoru.rhb | 53.09 | 99.31 | 87 | 0.01 |
76 | @htliao | 74.38 | 49.47 | 894 | 6153.46 |
77 | @hykwf233 | 53.15 | 91.86 | 90 | 19.41 |
78 | @hykwf678233 | 59.50 | 90.23 | 93 | 49.05 |
79 | @icecoffee | 44.03 | 93.27 | 222 | 1.72 |
80 | @icon123456 | 46.67 | 97.99 | 33 | 1.47 |
81 | @icouldpercent | 25.00 | 86.90 | 5 | 0.00 |
82 | @iguazi123 | 62.11 | 93.05 | 681 | 1355.94 |
83 | @itrmarcusliew | 54.85 | 96.73 | 634 | 51.75 |
84 | @jianan | 55.87 | 80.72 | 752 | 803.45 |
85 | @jiangchen | 60.99 | 79.40 | 825 | 180.04 |
86 | @jjeefftt8 | 25.00 | 97.96 | 3 | 0.00 |
87 | @joythewanderer | 76.32 | 81.13 | 1192 | 7089.63 |
88 | @julian2013 | 68.85 | 79.61 | 521 | 1000.21 |
89 | @june0620 | 66.97 | 93.41 | 795 | 8697.48 |
90 | @justyy | 73.54 | 81.18 | 1156 | 4694.43 |
91 | @kadishakho | 64.68 | 96.05 | 616 | 312.95 |
92 | @karasui | 58.55 | 96.55 | 818 | 81.47 |
93 | @kedouke | 32.58 | 97.99 | 6 | 0.00 |
94 | @khairulzaman | 63.94 | 79.05 | 335 | 144.43 |
95 | @kidsreturn | 57.26 | 86.70 | 582 | 82.25 |
96 | @kissfirer | 63.13 | 99.49 | 485 | 107.83 |
97 | @kite12123 | 37.33 | 97.99 | 13 | 0.00 |
98 | @koto368 | 45.03 | 5.68 | 13 | 1.63 |
99 | @lazyteatime | 54.63 | 75.95 | 233 | 12.10 |
100 | @lelan2004 | 49.31 | 97.99 | 283 | 0.59 |
101 | @lemooljiang | 72.17 | 96.33 | 1191 | 4542.65 |
102 | @litinghui | 40.82 | 97.99 | 235 | 0.18 |
103 | @liubao | 58.11 | 97.99 | 359 | 83.20 |
104 | @liudinglei111 | 25.00 | 97.99 | 9 | 0.00 |
105 | @livinguktaiwan | 71.71 | 84.64 | 851 | 2831.26 |
106 | @llh0519 | 56.97 | 98.00 | 206 | 46.69 |
107 | @llt0535 | 34.78 | 61.06 | 169 | 10.70 |
108 | @lovelemon | 59.84 | 62.17 | 271 | 73.36 |
109 | @luoyanliang | 36.76 | 82.35 | 152 | 0.14 |
110 | @lza945 | 25.00 | 0.00 | 496 | 0.04 |
111 | @m18207319997 | 64.32 | 72.07 | 274 | 1891.86 |
112 | @mia-cc | 58.00 | 51.73 | 319 | 70.89 |
113 | @minloulou | 63.50 | 92.67 | 784 | 235.71 |
114 | @monsterbuster | 56.43 | 89.93 | 245 | 76.33 |
115 | @moonbbs | 57.47 | 94.22 | 548 | 25.69 |
116 | @morningshine | 62.20 | 82.67 | 367 | 258.19 |
117 | @mrpointp | 65.89 | 82.84 | 845 | 805.75 |
118 | @mrspointm | 67.23 | 81.38 | 812 | 894.75 |
119 | @mylord1992 | 57.20 | 82.36 | 233 | 285.61 |
120 | @nextgen622 | 68.39 | 93.42 | 1178 | 9623.52 |
121 | @nineteensixteen | 66.67 | 90.85 | 403 | 7870.47 |
122 | @nostalgic1212 | 68.25 | 82.29 | 654 | 463.54 |
123 | @nuagnorab | 65.66 | 80.68 | 869 | 726.11 |
124 | @oflyhigh | 77.86 | 74.22 | 1182 | 12944.00 |
125 | @patriciaphilip | 62.70 | 98.00 | 514 | 105.59 |
126 | @pet.society | 62.68 | 85.99 | 489 | 344.30 |
127 | @pushpedal | 65.09 | 59.52 | 449 | 148.33 |
128 | @pyrammmid | 9.03 | 97.99 | 545 | 10.92 |
129 | @qifenggan | 60.26 | 97.99 | 748 | 362.91 |
130 | @qiuyu | 37.05 | 97.01 | 17 | 0.57 |
131 | @rivalhw | 74.07 | 58.76 | 1179 | 4368.25 |
132 | @robertyan | 61.95 | 70.88 | 585 | 92.56 |
133 | @sasaadrian | 66.47 | 71.55 | 450 | 859.43 |
134 | @scisan | 57.25 | 97.12 | 1043 | 14.63 |
135 | @sct.dean | 56.38 | 61.69 | 145 | 17.78 |
136 | @shanghaipreneur | 70.24 | 51.28 | 1181 | 1040.49 |
137 | @shenchensucc | 67.24 | 85.24 | 858 | 1668.59 |
138 | @shuxuan | 59.38 | 94.22 | 545 | 38.23 |
139 | @simpleslife | 46.16 | 94.65 | 649 | 4.30 |
140 | @slientstorm | 58.29 | 82.80 | 492 | 803.71 |
141 | @softmetal | 68.14 | 84.93 | 606 | 1031.15 |
142 | @spiderstores | 46.86 | 0.00 | 32 | 1.48 |
143 | @steemspiderdex | 43.69 | 0.00 | 33 | 2.08 |
144 | @suhunter | 49.80 | 97.99 | 673 | 39.14 |
145 | @sunai | 61.46 | 78.51 | 529 | 166.95 |
146 | @sunnyjolly | 63.36 | 97.99 | 816 | 312.95 |
147 | @superlao | 64.69 | 59.84 | 607 | 341.70 |
148 | @susanli3769 | 69.50 | 89.46 | 850 | 1912.32 |
149 | @susiejob | 56.64 | 97.78 | 514 | 4.26 |
150 | @sweethoney | 54.23 | 97.99 | 828 | 4.63 |
151 | @syh7758520 | 55.19 | 85.95 | 835 | 179.84 |
152 | @tanlikming | 63.90 | 81.37 | 598 | 311.55 |
153 | @team-cn | 66.15 | 86.62 | 570 | 518.62 |
154 | @teamcn-fund | 56.58 | 93.78 | 325 | 17.05 |
155 | @teamcn-news | 57.07 | 93.50 | 514 | 19.31 |
156 | @teamcn-shop | 59.69 | 86.08 | 452 | 75.59 |
157 | @tensaix2j | 56.66 | 96.32 | 1190 | 1040.82 |
158 | @thelowestprice | 47.67 | 97.99 | 696 | 0.14 |
159 | @tiffany4ever | 55.23 | 82.45 | 548 | 17.66 |
160 | @timool | 59.66 | 94.12 | 1042 | 8.32 |
161 | @tokylin | 47.07 | 97.99 | 95 | 3.38 |
162 | @travelgirl | 75.47 | 97.23 | 843 | 4629.67 |
163 | @trevorlp97 | 56.54 | 92.73 | 57 | 175.04 |
164 | @trevormomo | 53.75 | 93.57 | 52 | 4.14 |
165 | @tydebbie | 61.34 | 99.89 | 577 | 150.64 |
166 | @victorier | 66.80 | 99.19 | 869 | 1653.04 |
167 | @wangxiaoyu | 50.08 | 97.99 | 202 | 7.57 |
168 | @weisheng167388 | 60.48 | 97.99 | 708 | 51.16 |
169 | @wenjiewu1 | 52.06 | 98.76 | 71 | 6.28 |
170 | @wilhb81 | 67.04 | 89.71 | 663 | 1935.98 |
171 | @windowglass | 61.40 | 81.31 | 741 | 3736.50 |
172 | @winniex | 62.42 | 97.14 | 760 | 709.52 |
173 | @wolfmsdn2000 | 42.12 | 97.99 | 9 | 0.00 |
174 | @wongshiying | 62.96 | 83.05 | 1226 | 544.14 |
175 | @xiaoling | 56.99 | 91.15 | 271 | 75.33 |
176 | @xiaoshancun | 64.11 | 11.76 | 786 | 405.24 |
177 | @xiaoxiao13 | 37.12 | 0.00 | 57 | 0.00 |
178 | @xiguang | 60.15 | 93.97 | 589 | 224.77 |
179 | @xymmj | 47.75 | 96.04 | 339 | 3.34 |
180 | @yanchen | 45.77 | 97.34 | 63 | 2.23 |
181 | @yanhan | 59.06 | 90.64 | 297 | 98.09 |
182 | @yanyanbebe | 61.19 | 97.99 | 450 | 109.21 |
183 | @ybeyond | 54.39 | 96.28 | 571 | 12.18 |
184 | @ydapp | 45.55 | 0.00 | 361 | 1.49 |
185 | @yellowbird | 65.33 | 82.95 | 796 | 661.64 |
186 | @yettawild | 46.03 | 98.00 | 514 | 0.03 |
187 | @ying82 | 53.30 | 72.63 | 166 | 15.95 |
188 | @yorra | 45.47 | 94.13 | 81 | 5.84 |
189 | @yourgrace1985 | 54.33 | 94.49 | 37 | 16.84 |
190 | @youyounger | 41.85 | 0.00 | 9 | 0.00 |
191 | @zerofive | 52.35 | 71.59 | 390 | 16.47 |
192 | @zhongyefu | 54.57 | 90.62 | 278 | 41.71 |
193 | @zmx | 55.06 | 82.11 | 741 | 188.05 |
194 | @zsc1251 | 10.80 | 98.99 | 335 | 38.50 |
195 | @zumed | 25.00 | 96.10 | 0 | 1.12 |
- Rep: Reputation, steemit网站上用于衡量用户信誉度的分值
- VP: Voting Power, 用户剩余的投票能量,满值是100%,投票越多下降越快,随时间缓慢恢复
- SP: SteemPower, 影响力代币,持有越多,点赞得到回报越丰厚,对别人文章收益影响越大
- Value: Estimated Account Value, 用户账户估值
- Online: Online days, 用户在线天数,从注册时算起
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