A couple weeks ago, I ordered a new toilet, intended to replace the old one in my house. The installation service promised by the vendor postponed again and again. I've been upset about it so I complained on JD.com. The vendor finally sent someone to get the installation done. I had previously wrote an article "An unhappy shopping experience on JD.com" about that.
After the toilet was installed, I paid an extra reasonable fee to the man who installed it according to the usual practice. The story should have ended here. But after a few days, I noticed that the new toilet sometimes can not flush very clean, not every time though. It made me feel buying a lottery whenever I use it. I remember that before buying, I felt the product quite attractive by reading its introduction. There were a lot of pingpong-like stuff in the picture, showing it could flush them down, which was convincible. But the fact is that it just doesn't work well.
Now I began to miss my old toilet. The main reason I replaced it was just because my mother suffers from lumbar disc herniation, so a high waist toilet is better for her. No one expected that a higher one would do a lousy job.
Some time ago a friend said he bought a new vacuum cleaner. He was also convinced by the introduction of the product in great detail and comprehensiveness, making people mistakenly think the vacuum cleaner is very powerful. There was a nice picture that vacuum cleaner can even suck up a golf ball! ! ! You can't help but shocked, figuring to buy one immediately. After the purchase, the vacuum cleaner worked fine at the beginning but shortly afterwards it began to deteriorate. It ended up with leaking while working. What on earth is going on?
Experts knows that you can't tell if a vacuum cleaner is a good one just by its power. That make sense. You probably use the vacuum cleaner mainly to clean dust, hair and things like that at home. No one would suck up a golf ball, right? How about even if you can do that? It's meaningless. With the filter, nothing big can go through. The higher power just consumes more electricity.
After you reading this article, you probably won't make a decision just by power when you consider buying a vacuum cleaner next time. After all, what you want is to clean up dusts and hairs, and power just can't offer much help to achieve that.
Another example is that, the main purpose of buying a toilet, as I mentioned before, is it can do a clean flush. Other properties like height, color, style, materials, technological design, etc, should not surpass the main factor. Don't put the cart before the horse.
Think through this problem and you will understand. In fact, is our life in the same place? If you ask someone about the purpose of life, I believe many people will say that they wish they are in good health, have a happy family, or live a happy life. However, in daily life, we often sacrifice our own health, ignore our children's education, forget to visit our parents, ignore to take care of the feelings of our loved one, alienate the relationship of friends... All these will be covered by excuses like one should work hard when I'm still young, although what we actually face is the pressure of life. But do we really remember what we pursue in the end?
We make our efforts to pursuit happiness and joy the entire life. Sadly, we often lost ourselves in the stream of life.
Original post written by @rivalhw:
Translator: @kidult00
再比如我之前购买马桶,主要目的一定是能够很好地冲水(干净)先,其次才是其它的需求比如高腰、颜色、款式、材料、做工等,但如果你忽略了主要需求 ,而先奔着其它非主要需求先来,这不是本末倒置么。
We all try hard to pursue a better life. But after many years, when we are living a life style we want, we will envy the past days when we were trying.
So cherish what we have now.
"We make our efforts to pursuit happiness and joy the entire life. Sadly, we often lost ourselves in the stream of life." YES. Therefore, I ask myself two questions every day: what is more important in my life? What is the most important then? This process help me calm down to follow my heart.
Appreciate the present moment.
This moment will never come again. And there is always something precious about every moment.
We will both try not to lost ourselves.
The article starts with tiny little things from daily life and ends up with the topic of how we should behave in our life. I think this idea is quite brilliant.
Btw: I usually like to buy things, for the pursuit of appearance as well as discount. At that time, I gnore the most essential two questions: Am I really need these things, and what's the ultimate goal of buying these things?
We may think more when life gets rough. I will try to keep everything simple.
yeah, we should always put what we want in the first place, 不忘初心!!
Enjoy your life
it's never too late to learn this is what i strive for
是的 分清主次
Ultimately we all strive for ‘a life worth living’.
we should never stop learning, because when we stop learning, we stop our progress.
mua ~
是滴 或许应验了那句得不到的永远是最好的。