Welcome to Steemit WeiXin Chat Group
欢迎加入 Steemit 微信交流群,请扫码加入:
- 此二维码于 2016.08.01 之前有效
- 请勿讨论与 Steemit、加密货币无关话题
- 请勿讨论、张贴与政治、色情相关的话题、图片或视频
- 请使用文字发送聊天信息。除非特殊情况,请不要发送语音消息。
Other resources for newbie/ 新手相关链接
- Steemit 中文版块
- 中英教程: 如何在 Steemit 点赞 或 踩贴 / How to upvote or downvote on Steemit
- 中英教程: 如何创建一个 steemit 帐号? / How to create a steemit account?Welcome to Steemit-China / 欢迎进入STEEEMIT 中文区
- Stongly suggest to dan & ned that steemit support for QQ or Wechat verifieation. 强烈建议 Steemit 增加 QQ 或微信完成注册验证
- Welcome to Steemit-China / 欢迎进入STEEEMIT 中文区
- 欢迎加入 Steemit 微信群 / Welcome to Steemit WeiXin Chat Group
- 欢迎加入 Steemit QQ 群 434624757 / Welcome to Steemit QQ Chat Group 434624757
- 新手提问专用贴 FAQ for Chinese Newbie -1
- steem新手问题整理,购买,转换,提现 等
Share it!
2016-07-29 更新:微信群超过100人之后,无法通过扫码二维码方式加入,只能邀请制。因此,以上二维码暂时失效,目前我们有两个QQ群,欢迎点此加入。
Updated on July 29, 2016:
There is a limitation of Weixin Group: You can't join into a group by scan QR-code when a group arrived 100 members. The new member can only be inveted by Group Administrator. So the QR-code in this post is inative now. We have two QQ chat groups currently, you can click here to join us.
wow. excellent work on uniting :)
微群满了 100之后,就不能扫码加入了。你可以加入我们的QQ群
微群满了 100之后,就不能扫码加入了。你可以加入我们的QQ群
ni-hao! wo men dou peng you...what, I took some mandarin classes at high school. Welcome to the community! need to update my keyboard to mandarin. very cool to talk more laterz
can someone add me into the group? my Wechat ID is edwardchan007
我想进入微信群,QR已不能扫 :)