Don’t drink coconut water in Thailand in 2018!

in #coconut7 years ago (edited)


Have you noticed how cheap buying coconut water has become in Thailand in the last few months? And they seem to be sold in every street by the producers themselves in those pickup trucks they park on streets around Bangkok. So I should be happy about it and telling one everyone to drink up, but no…

I am usually “Mr. Drink as much coconut water as you can” because I know is a great way of recovering health.

Coconut water is one of the best sources of minerals in nature. Its bioavailability is second to none. And here in Thailand, coconuts are never far away and even when expensive, they are still affordable.

Always be suspicious when prices drop

If you have lived here long enough, you may have noticed the price of coconut water skyrocketed for the last few years.

During the first part of 2017 the price reached as high as 50 Baht per fresh coconut. A disease infected a lot of coconut palm trees in the country, so they lost a great part of their produce. Too much demand, too little offer.

Government decided to help farmers by handing out the right pesticide to prevent another year of losses.

Farmers were warned to only use it in palm trees higher than 12 meters, otherwise the insecticide would go right into the coconut water.

Guess what? A blend of greed and stupidity got the better of them and they used the pesticides on ALL palm trees, regardless of their size.

The result? Thai coconuts ended up banned around the world. There is just too much active pesticide in the coconut water to be drank safely.

So instead of taking the losses, farmers are dumping their toxic coconuts on us. Too much offer in comparison to the demand.

We are paying the price for their negligence.

How to replace coconut water then?

So, I have stopped drinking them. From up to 100 coconuts a month to zero. In a country as hot as this one, with air conditioners blasting us day and night, it isn’t easy to stay hydrated, and that is one of the reasons seems to fall so easily to disease here.

To get my Sodium, Trace Minerals, and Potassium, without drinking coconut water, I make my own drink. All ingredients are easy to find in Bangkok. If you live in a different province, you may have to ask someone from Bangkok to send you the ingredients, they are cheap and easy to send over snail mail.


  • 1 part of Himalayan salt – depending on how dehydrated I may add a full teaspoon –
  • 1 part baking soda – equal to that of Himalayan salt
  • 3 parts cream of tartar
  • 1 splash of apple cider vinegar
    Add all in a liter of water, steer and drink slowly.

If you notice any discomfort, reduce the amounts until you find your sweet spot. We are all different and our activity levels, as well as how depleted or replenished our minerals may be in our bodies.

Remember, a good ratio is 3:1 Potassium to Sodium, but you may want to experiment with the amounts to see what fits best your body.

Magnesium, the key mineral

Now, Magnesium is absolute key to your mineral intake, because without it, you will have problems absorbing Sodium and Potassium. Magnesium is a difficult mineral to get, and to take in the right amount. If you over do it you will have diarrhea, so while not dangerous, it can be uncomfortable.

To get my magnesium safely and in the correct amounts I soak my feet on Epsom Salts dissolved in warm water for around 15 minutes, 3 times a week.

All these ingredients are easy to find in the “upper market” supermarkets in Bangkok.

Himalayan salt and baking soda are “no brainers”, I am sure you already know where to buy them or they are lying somewhere in your kitchen cabinets.

Cream of tartar may be slightly more difficult to find. Most people don’t know what it is or how it looks, as well as its usage. It is a white powder, byproduct of wine making, usually used for baking bread. Therefore you will find it in the area that sells baking products.

Best time to consume your coconut replacements and final thoughts

The best way to care and maintain health is to incorporate small changes and make them part of simple rituals. Then they can become habits.

My mornings start by making and consuming the drink I just recommended above. Which is also great for fat burning purposes.

At night, right before going to bed, 3 times per week, I end up my days by soaking my feet on Epsom Salts. It helps me sleep soundly.

It is crucial for your health to have your minerals at optimal levels. You would be surprised how much your cellular, mental and physical health depend on them, so make sure you get them in the most natural way you can.

Many people are still under the belief that if they eat enough fruits and vegetables they will get naturally the minerals they need. Nothing further than the truth.

Since the early 1950’s scientist are well aware that the depletion of our soils have left produce “empty” of most minerals and vitamins. Supplementing as naturally as possible, is paramount for good health.

And remember, sport drinks have very few, if any minerals, they are not more than flavored water with sugar.

So there you go, a cheap, and convenient way to replace coconut water until coconuts are pesticide free again!

So when to drink coconut water again safely?

Since no one is talking about this issue -for obvious reasons-, I don’t expect a big announcement on this. I guess the indication that things are back to normal will be the price of the coconut reaching the 40-50 bath mark again.

Meanwhile, you have a drink that is cheap and convenient, to replace coconut water until coconuts are pesticide free again!

I hope this recommendation helps you stay happy, healthy and hydrated!

coconut water.jpgDisclaimer: The information I based this article on can be found at:


So why was there any imbalance in the "pests", was it due to a lack of their predators, or due to an over abundance of their foods? We always think we can "game" nature. It is in fact this idea that under pins the very concept of knowledge. Perhaps all we really do is tilt the playing field so far that now it is up-hill for all but a few, and even those cling precariously... Sense always trumps thought, and yet here we are senseless and scared, never more intelligent or more ignorant of our environment.

Good questions... not within my domain of knowledge or experience. I guess you are right, we play too much with nature and we never learn anything from it!

questions designed to direct focus. I guess I am attached to the idea of biodiversity, true philosophers might say that all is perfect, including the current allocation of resources. I guess acceptance is not just about the parts we like :)

Acceptance is true gold. We are living in a world that is only a reflection of our minds, collective and individual ones.

many are learning, but suffering does not always land at the feet of those who do the most to perpetuate it. There I go again deciding what should and should not be is this continual invention of value and values that leads to all these great "improvements" to our habitat. ha ha

Great article, thanks for sharing! I was feeling suspicious about these really cheap coconut waters from Thailand that i see my friends buying and had an intuitive feeling that something wasnt right about them. Came across your article when i searched.

Interesting, i can understand the farmer's logic, it's quite a small leap from 'treat diseased trees over 12 meters' to thinking that treating younger smaller trees might be a good preventative action. If their livelihood is wrapped up in such things it's very understandable.
Good advice on the workaround in the interim. I'm not traveling to Thailand soon, but i know a few people that are and will pass this on.

True @ashspencermd , but while farmers had it rough last year, the prices allow them to do OK. Now they got themselves in a situation is much worse, while poisoning their own people. It goes to show injustice doesn't always go from top to bottom. Thanks for spreading the message!

Thanks for the info!

Btw, pesticides function in the same manner with the rest of the plants, not just coconut. There will be a time when real seeds will be the new currency. (They will nearly go extinct... everything is being genetically modified for personal interest nowadays...)

@freemoceanisnow like always, good arguments.

@sweethunderx you are welcome. And yes, it works the same way, that is why I have switched to an almost full carnivore diet. I can at least control more the quality and sources of my food! Cheers! Thanks for your comment!

I’m leaving for Thailand next week, so this is super helpful, thank you!
Also the rest of this post is very interesting because we can do that whether we’re in Thailand or not :)

@connecteconomy Enjoy Thailand!!!

Interesting topic! I am always interested in the composition of any product and liquid that I take. And in the first place I look at the presence of vitamin and minerals. Magnesium is important to me. Magnesia has a very positive effect on the nerves. Unfortunately, it's hard to find clean products in the markets without chemical additives, so I'm looking for my clean options.

@maxdani I understand where you are coming from and I am of the same mind. I just found this amazing mineralizing product from Germany that infuses the water with magensium. I will be trying it for the next few months and I will write a review about it soon. Stay posted and thanks!

Planning a honeymoon trip to bangkok and Phuket during August it worth to going there during rainy season? @tlahui