Is Bitcoin broken again? Is Coinbase?

in #coinbase8 years ago (edited)

Coinbase has a USD wallet with a bitcoin address. Bitcoin sent to that wallet will be instantly sold and converted to USD. After the pending Bitcoin confirmations of-course. I have previously used this Coinbase wallet to cash out Steem successfully by shapeshifting it to that Bitcoin address. Yesterday I used it again. Thing is... It is STILL pending.. Anybody having stuck Bitcoin transactions or is it just Coinbase's help desk I should talk to.

"technical issues" while they trade around my buys/sells .Edit: @natek Coinbase is known for buying/selling around their users orders. How many coins can Coinbase really own at any time? Getting Steem to Bitcoin is Quick and easy though so using it places that take Bitcoin is my next move if Coinbase keeps having

Edit: I got my 6 bucks worth of BTC sold a Coinbase finally(a few days ago now) It took about 2 full days to stop "pending". Not going to quit using Coinbase over this but I am weary of holding anything there long term.

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You can check whether the transaction went through by typing the bitcoin address you sent your coins to, into

If your transaction has had at least 10 confirmations, then the next step is to raise a ticket with coinbase.

If he sent the coins from shapeshift, they should have the bitcoin address the coins were sent to.

Coinbase might be broken, Bitcoin is doing fine... :D

I have yet to open a coinbase account, other than this problem, have you had any other complaints? How hard is it to get your steem to bitcoin?