Northern Thailand Flower Abstract 2 colorchallenge wednesdayyellow

in #colorchallenge7 years ago (edited)

I found a flower bush blooming in a hot field in Northern Thailand. This was during dry season and the bright yellow drew me out of the shade. I proceeded to run over there and take many photos of the bush and flowers, with none of them looking anything like reality.

I posted one abstract from this moment into the colorchallenge wednesdayyellow last week, and people seemed to like it so here is another one – not quite as yellow.

Northern Thailand flower study 2 color challenge wednesday yellow photography fitinfun.jpg

Previously, I showed a kind of creepy shot from the same plant into the black and white photo contest.

At the time I took these photos, I was wondering what the heck I was doing. It was hot, windy, the photos weren’t coming out, and there I was, so happy to be crouching near the ground and doing this crazy thing. This was before I came to steemit. Never did I imagine I would be posting these photos online.

Well now I know, and I will certainly give into to any further impulses I get in the same way.

= =
Today’s post is my entry for #colorchallenge #wednesdayyellow by @kalemandra. Maybe you have yellow photos you can enter too.

Sharon fitinfun before after.jpg

Nothing at fitinfun would be possible if I was still obese. I sure could not crouch on the ground! Find out how well natural methods work for weight loss and you can do this too!


Ooh really you reduce that big! How you do that? I wanna learn your routines because my sister is obese. I want her to reduce also

I changed my habits entirely. I started eating good food, and gradually stopped eating bad food. I started exercising 10 minutes each day and built up to one hour each day. I got more good fluids and started sleeping and resting more. It took four years to lose the weight, but most of it came off in the last year.

The most important thing was to stop making excuses for myself and start taking action.

I would be happy to talk to your sister. The important thing is for her to make the decision to change. No one can do this for her.

The link at the bottom of my post takes you to my fitinfun site where there is lot of free information. I also write books and have them on Amazon. Here is a link to the one about excuses which has helped many people.

Great, she is in already here in steemit but not active due to work. I will definitely read your article and share it to my sister.

And of course stop making excuses. I agree to that! I need to tell her to change her habits now.

I would love to hear from her anywhere is she is interested. If for search for "fitinfun" you will find my sites and most of it is about weight loss and health.

Did you accidentally take the out of focus photo or was this done after the fact? Either way it's a cool look for the abstract contest.

I took many photos here - in a hot field, windy, crouching on the ground. I was trying to get reality but I got this series instead. The links above to the other photos I'm posted so far show you how it went. Even though it was not want I wanted, I ended up liking them. I'm glad you do too! Thank you for the compliment :)

It's funny how something that isn't what you intended sometimes works so well. Somehow I had a triple exposure in high school that won an award. It wasn't what I intended, but once the film was developed I decided to make a print of it to see what it would look like. Back when you had to sit in the dark room and use the different baths to develop the film...kind of miss that.

Anyways the three shots showed a memorial we had to lost friends, a photo of a large plaque with the school mascot, and a shot of the moon. No idea how I hadn't advanced the film, but all 3 ended up being on one shot. I didn't have the skills to have thought to do what was accomplished. Had a perfect somber effect with the memorial dead center and the mascot was behind it with the moon light coming in from the upper corner with a tree line across the top.

Wish I still had that photo. Wonder if it's at my parents somewhere.

I wish I would have seen this comment in time to upvote it. I hope you find your photo and post it here :)

I actually looked the other day a little at my parents and didn't find it. Hoping one day it will pop up.

One question, wondering if you know on comments from posts past the 7 days but new comments like the one you just made. Does the 7 days start fresh when the comment is made or is it based on the post date? Been meaning to find that out.

beautiful mixture of colors.Love it :)

Thank you for the compliment. The color is what I like about this photo too.

Nice post, a good colourchallenge the colours are quite challenging. .. Hahahahaha

Thank you. This is why we have steemit - tell help us do things we did not try before.

No bananas today. Thanks for tweeting.

Lol - I almost called you are in this post for that comment :) Thank you and I'm always glad to tweet. If I can get other steemers to tweet and rt - we might have something going on over there :)

More tweets coming. Thank you!

very very respect to your work. we both play in genre art, if you do not mind please give suggestion for my art blog :)

Steemit is not an easy place. I have this post about ideas to do well here. Maybe it will help you.

steemit minnow tips

upvote and resteemit done dear..
keep it on

Thank you. I will.

wow dear nice activity.
i really praise your good task.
thanks for sharing us...

very nice colorchallenge.i like this.
please keep on...

Well done ! i like this post

crazy. unbeleivable

Hey there! How are you???

Another quality blog dear.
Your transformation really amazed me

HI, do you live in Northern Thailand? or are you visiting? My wife is from Thailand and we have gone back for many visits, also planning hopefully in 5-7 years to semi-retire there. At the moment we live in Ontario Canada and in the middle of winter I am actually wishing it was now that we could retire to Thailand lol
I'm going to follow you and check out some other posts a bit later as i am heading out of the house for the moment to run errands


WaveSmall.gifYou just received a 25.64% upvote from @honestbot, courtesy of @fitinfun!