
I changed my habits entirely. I started eating good food, and gradually stopped eating bad food. I started exercising 10 minutes each day and built up to one hour each day. I got more good fluids and started sleeping and resting more. It took four years to lose the weight, but most of it came off in the last year.

The most important thing was to stop making excuses for myself and start taking action.

I would be happy to talk to your sister. The important thing is for her to make the decision to change. No one can do this for her.

The link at the bottom of my post takes you to my fitinfun site where there is lot of free information. I also write books and have them on Amazon. Here is a link to the one about excuses which has helped many people.

Great, she is in already here in steemit but not active due to work. I will definitely read your article and share it to my sister.

And of course stop making excuses. I agree to that! I need to tell her to change her habits now.

I would love to hear from her anywhere is she is interested. If for search for "fitinfun" you will find my sites and most of it is about weight loss and health.