I heard a lot of things are changed with his help. There are many bad stories but I know many government people and they don't look corrupt. I have been here for 8 months now, and I love the beaches, the nature but I love the people even more. Filipinos all speak english and they are so hospitable. You only have to go to the beach on sunday and the change is so big a local will invite you for lunch! This people are definitely hospitable.
Before I went to Thailand, but to be honest, I did not make so many local friends so it is difficult to judge about the country. The food is amazing tho!
Chiang mai is actually my favorite city in thailand! I love the city centre squire, not too much traffic and it is a cheap city too! How long have you been living there and how did you end up there?
I was working in Singapore, but last year, I lost my job, so I decided to come here and live cheaply ... and never work for a company ever again!
I agree that the FIlipinos are very open, friendly and generous. Of course, not all the govt workers are corrupt, but if even only 20%–30% are corrupt, that means the system is quite corrupt. That has to stop before an major sustainable growth and advances in societal well-being.