Lmao this is brilliant I think the one at the gong was my favourite, some of your lines are just pure gold.
I really think you should keep going with it you could post it on here 😄
Lmao this is brilliant I think the one at the gong was my favourite, some of your lines are just pure gold.
I really think you should keep going with it you could post it on here 😄
love hearing your aussie slang xx thanks for the encouragement... the energy still gets out somehow or other its lovely
haha yeah it's so odd I'm just not used to chatting with people from other countries and I forget that some things I say just make no sense to them.
I've decided I should do a post on common Aussie slang so people can use it as a decoder of sorts lol.
The other day chatting and I said "I shat a brick" and all the response I got was "ouch" you could just sense the confusion :D