I think that must be doable to find you a date! Let's see, maybe @diebitch is happy to have a nice night out together? It kind of depends on where you both live of course, and if you're willing to travel if needed...
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Oooof I don't know I just checked the profile and I am pretty sure @diebitch is way out of my league :( On the plus side, I do have an entire private island to myself in the Mediterranean, so I guess that might at least give me a chance?
That might be in your advantage yes :) Let's see what she thinks herself when she reads it :)
Hey let me ask you something as a woman. I mean, let me ask you something as a Cyclops, and you can answer as a woman. I do have a magic lamp, just concerned that if I lead with that I won't ever know if someone loves me for me or for the magic lamp. You think I should play all my cards up front to increase my chances? Or wait until I am sure I have found "the one" and then just sort of casually mention it? BTW this is the most words I have exchanged with a woman in centuries! Thank you! I feel the rust coming off already :)