It has to be said, right? I mean it has to be! Otherwise, people would go on reading thinking I'm sane in the brain. We can't have that. No sir, no sir.
'Tis but a perilous path, one that I'm not quite sure I could keep steady. One day, I just might slip up and admit my hilariousness to... * gasp! * other people!!
I am but an apprentice to the maestro. I learn with every post. The viagra helps too.
Viagra does help greatly. I don't even bother with a pen when writing shit down and just use my penis for everything now!!!
My penis is the only thing that could unlock my phone nowadays. I don't trust that fingerprint crap. Not unique enough!
I ain't blowing my own balloon but mine is just a bit too big for that ickle sensor!
I don't need to see it to believe it. When I first saw you, I had for sure thought that you had three legs!!
You should see my mum!!
Your penis? SHIT then what will you use to,,,,,,,,,, ???😂😂😂😂😂
I have my ways ;) Trust me on this!