Ahhhh....Black Friday Weekend...
Each and every year for Black Friday, our comic and toy store Conquest Comics in stocked to the gills and ready for the eager beavers waiting to take advantage of our big sale. We usually spend October and November restocking and tidying up in anticipation for the busy weekend as it kicks off a hopefully killer holiday season.
As with everything in 2020, we did not know what to expect. On one hand, with COVID cases surging...we could and should expect less folks out and about shopping. But on the other hand, outside of online options...we are kinda the only game in the nearby area with even a decent selection of product to choose from. Do we have that going for us.
On top of that, we also decided to handout all of the Free Comic Book Day 2020 comics this weekend as well. The initial day which is by far our biggest day of the year each and every year...was cancelled due to COVID. But we still had the books we bought. So we decided to reward those weary shoppers with some tasty freebies.
I’m grateful to say that with the adjustments and changes we made, we had a stellar Black Friday weekend. We spread the full sale out over the course of the weekend so we could disperse the crowd and not have a gazillion folks in at one time. The end result was alot of eager shoppers popping in to take advantage.
One of the big hits was our back issue boxes. We have over 300 long boxes of comics for customers to browse through and at 50% off through the weekend, lots of collectors searched for hidden gems or just filler. Plenty of folks we checking out with stacks of books to complete their runs of Amazing Spider-Man, Spawn, or Uncanny X-Men.
Our comic wall houses and displays 7 rows with 121 books per row. Lots of hot variant covers, key issues, first appearances, and other best sellers. This area is where you might find the 1st Appearance of Deadpool...the death of Aunt May, or a sweet gimmicky hologram cover from the 90’s. All in all, a hotbed for speculators and collectors alike. At 20% off, we e fed up moving a ton of tasty books.
One of my favorite sections is our toy corner. With over 5000 different action figures in the shop, you can always count on finding something cool and exciting. 20% off all figures had folks gobbling up Marvel Legends, NECA horror, Star Wars Black, and the new McFarlane DC Multiverse figures in piles!
While we are on action figures, our loose toy bins are always been ransacked by rabid collectors. If you are a loose toy collector, it’s perfect. You can save a boatload by buying used. We also get tons of customizers that buy just to perform surgery on em and salvage parts for their own creation. Kids...adults...folks of all ages spend hours digging through the over 3000 figures in these bins. At 50% off this past weekend, some of the big hits were Build a Figures!!!
As for one of the hottest toy lines we sell at our shop, the Funko Pops were fully stocked at over 4000 different pieces throughout the shop. 20% off had folks attacking the “Grail Cases” where we house the expensive, rare, and super sought after Pops. One couple dropped close to 5k between Friday and a Sunday as they found themselves driving over 2 hours each way from Delaware. Talk about Funko Funatics!!!
Our trade paperback and graphic novels were a steal at 40% off. Big hits were the Marvel Omnibus’s. Those are large expensive Hardcovers that usually start around $99.99. A 40% discount is just too enticing for avid readers. With 6 of these double sided bookshelves housing thousands of stories to choose from...let’s just say there are plenty of gaps now.
Onto the statues. Cases line the front half of the store...displaying over 1200 different statues, busts, and fine art replicas. The discount on these were the lowest % as the margin on statues is kinda shit to begin with. That being said, we still sold a healthy amount with one collector taking advantage and purchasing 4 of the fun Bishoujo line.
Lots of other little things were also part of the sale. We had a Rubbermaid tub filled with several hundred promotional posters that we played “Let’s Make A Deal” on. The new Magazine boxes, comic set boxes, and $1.00 boxes were all 50% off.
All in all, I’m extremely grateful to my loyal customers who popped on in to throw support to their local comic shop. Much love to all those folks.
I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the pics. We worked super hard to restock the past 6 weeks and the store had never been more beefed up and stocked up. Hoping we can help folks find some awesome gifts for their loved ones this holiday season.
Thx for checking out the shop with me!
If you are looking for a cool holiday gift, we ship worldwide and will accept Hive!!! Just reach out!!!
At 40% off for trades and omnibi I would literally have to bomb the shop to avoid ending up bankrupt for the next three years!
Yeah. Some folks were smart and savvy and even ended up snagging some of the ones that are long out of print and fetch a nice chunk of change.
Christ on a bike, shit like this makes me feel so much better about collecting pops myself.
Random question for you, by the way. Do you price your Funko stuff via PPG? Or, do you take the time to go through past ebay sales from the last month or two and do it that way? Just generally curious.
It’s a mixture. Kinda depends on the piece. Our base price is 12.00 for all new pops. But fir older pieces, when we price em to pop on the floor...we use a combo of those that you mentioned. Kinda depends on the piece.
Gotcha. I think that's the best way to go with it for sure. I visited a new Pop! store that opened about 90 minutes from me, and they had every single Pop priced via PPG and the owner was straight up that he just doesn't want to check Ebay for anything. Which I thought was a bit goofy, since PPG can be super fucking wrong and fluctuates a lot.
Uauu !
This the paradise of Comics.And toys
I'm starting to like to read comics and I wish this was my bedroom. hehe
Great photos
Thanks so much! We pack the place full. Barely room to walk. Lol