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RE: Prepping CONQUEST COMICS For Black Friday

in #comics4 years ago

One couple dropped close to 5k between Friday and a Sunday

Christ on a bike, shit like this makes me feel so much better about collecting pops myself.

Random question for you, by the way. Do you price your Funko stuff via PPG? Or, do you take the time to go through past ebay sales from the last month or two and do it that way? Just generally curious.


It’s a mixture. Kinda depends on the piece. Our base price is 12.00 for all new pops. But fir older pieces, when we price em to pop on the floor...we use a combo of those that you mentioned. Kinda depends on the piece.

Gotcha. I think that's the best way to go with it for sure. I visited a new Pop! store that opened about 90 minutes from me, and they had every single Pop priced via PPG and the owner was straight up that he just doesn't want to check Ebay for anything. Which I thought was a bit goofy, since PPG can be super fucking wrong and fluctuates a lot.