When Employee’s Do NOT Take Pride In Their Work

in #comics6 years ago


As a comic shop owner, my goal is to provide the highest quality product to my customers. I care about that greatly. Which is why days such as today enrage me to no end. My distributor Diamond Comics, constantly pulls stunts like this with not only me but all of their clients...on a regular basis.


This entire stack of comic books and trade paperbacks are completely unsellable. The corners are all 100% smashed up and damaged beyond belief. This is new product for the week. New product that my customers will be expecting tomorrow and I will now have to disappoint yet again. This stack is valued somewhere between $400-$450 dollars and this kind of thing happens regularly.


I know this was Diamond’s error as the books are packed in a small box. Then 2 of those small boxes are packed in a larger outer box. The outer box is flawless where as one of the small inners in completely smashed in. My guess is that the brilliant mind that packed this box, dropped it causing the damage and just decided to pack it up for shipment anyway. Instead of repacking and doing the right thing. This is what happens when employees work in an environment where they are too afraid to report a mistake or just don’t care to correct it.

I now have to waste an hour plus of my already limited time, on the phone with a representative from Diamond. Explaining to them that I need these books overnighted on their dime as this was 100% their fault. Yet again. Then they will make excuses and fight me on it. Ya see??? We’ve done this dance before and are destined to do it again in the near future.

Sad part is there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it as Diamond is a Monopoly. Yup! You read that right. As a comic shop shop owner, there is nowhere else I can go when I get the shaft on repeat. Nobody cares though as it’s just stupid comics...

Wish me luck folks!!!


That's just...I don't even have words. That's gawdamn discouraging. The bookstore where I work occasionally receives items damaged in transit, but it's a quick and painless procedure to get refund credits on them, and it's never more than one or two things out of 60-75 boxes unless something went horribly wrong somewhere.

I'm sorry about this, man. Diamond couldn't give fewer fucks if you hacked off their right hand. They've been a bane on the industry since Day 1. :(

Diamond sucks but for the first time ever, they didn’t question and drag it out. I called and spoke with a rep. Explained everything and he said he’d ask his supervisor and call me back.

I got a call an hour later saying that it wasn’t approved for overnight but for 2nd day. As awful as that sounds it’s a win when dealing with them.

I should bitch about them. More often here if shit’s gonna get accomplished. Lol

Yeah running a business sucks! So many factors, so much can go wrong and a lot of people just don't care anymore. Good Luck!

Exactly. I went to Taco Bell last night and placed an order. It took so long to make I had to change it to Togo as I had to pick my son up. When they called my number I go get it and I asked the guy...”no lettuce on the 2 taco supremes. Right” and he said “yup, no lettuce”. So I thanked him and left. Upon driving what do I discover??? You get. Lettuce! I love lettuce but can no longer eat it do to Crohn’s so that sucked. Point of the story is the guy could give 2 shits. He was lazy and incompetent. Instead of checking or corrrcting the mistake he just wanted to get me out the door. No pride whatsoever.

So true! Sorry about the Crohn's, my buddy has that and it's tough on him. Yea at the place you ordered the comics from might have a chance to hire someone with some pride or with some qualifications. As a fast food business you can only afford to pay for the bottom of the barrel. I ran a pizza shop for 10 years, so I know from experience. It's not even intelligence, it's more attitude. They think they are better than the job they work at. It's ok though they will all be replaced with robots soon, statistically this will be good for you, cause when a robot reads no lettuce it will freeze the lettuce dispenser. lol I laugh when people protest for higher wages for fast food restaurants, they are pricing themselves out of existence!

Lol. I can see it now. Robo Taco...the newest in a line of robotic fast food joints.

Yeah we see it with customers in our store all the time. Bitching about their jobs thinking they deserve so much more than what they have yet have done nothing to earn it. Entitlement at its finest.

@rpgbuilders you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Damn. I feel your pain! Pretty much lost a good decade of my life to Ulcerative Colitis. So I gave my colon the boot a few years ago & have been getting back on track!

Gastro issues can be miserable to deal with. Nothing like entering a new place and scouting out the bathrooms. I feel like a trainedcassassin looking for all exit points.

@rpgbuilders you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!

Sending luck! That sucks that they were ruined but how awesome is your job, I'm very jealous!

It’s ok. Owning a business is a ton of work. Especially when I sell stuff that people don’t “need”. But it’s very rewarding as well and I have lots of fun with it! What do you do?

I'm not even that much of a comic enthusiast and those pics made me cringe :O

Yeah. Comic people are sticklers with conditions so these are fodder for the fire now.