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RE: When Employee’s Do NOT Take Pride In Their Work

in #comics7 years ago

That's just...I don't even have words. That's gawdamn discouraging. The bookstore where I work occasionally receives items damaged in transit, but it's a quick and painless procedure to get refund credits on them, and it's never more than one or two things out of 60-75 boxes unless something went horribly wrong somewhere.

I'm sorry about this, man. Diamond couldn't give fewer fucks if you hacked off their right hand. They've been a bane on the industry since Day 1. :(


Diamond sucks but for the first time ever, they didn’t question and drag it out. I called and spoke with a rep. Explained everything and he said he’d ask his supervisor and call me back.

I got a call an hour later saying that it wasn’t approved for overnight but for 2nd day. As awful as that sounds it’s a win when dealing with them.

I should bitch about them. More often here if shit’s gonna get accomplished. Lol