Woah! We're already on the tenth edition for this series! It feels like we've been at this for far longer. Man (and Woman), time flies so quickly! We've tackled comic book deaths, legacies, reality manipulation, and we've only barely scratched the surface. The comicscape is such a diverse and vibrant landscape, that we won't even be able to tackle it all. A big shoutout goes to all of the supporters for this series, you know who you are! Before I get sappy and teary-eyed, there's only one thing I have to say... let's get to the motherflapping Thought Bubble Thursday!

I had initially planned to take a trip to Wakanda for this edition, but due to unforeseen circumstances, I would move that flight back a week and give this celebratory edition a fresh spin. You know what they say, you're only ten once! But then again, you're only one once, two once, three once, yeah you get the picture.
Whenever you see the letter 'X', where does that take you when talking about comics? For me, it takes me to the X-Men, those misunderstood mutant misfits. Others think about treasure where the aforementioned letter marks the spot where the treasure is buried. A few people immediately think about past romantic attachments when they here the letter spoken. As much as I want to discuss controversial comic couples, especially considering it's the Valentine's season, I feel like I want to reserve that for a future discussion. For now, I want to discuss 'X' in the context of a crossover. A crossover to what, you may ask.
Well, it's been more than a month since I've talked about Steemit. So, I want to dedicate this edition to list down the top ten comic book characters who I feel would make it big here on Steemit! (I'm sure the title already gave that away) For the purpose of this discussion, I'm shying away from the more obscure comic book characters, so that more people would be able to relate. I'm sure there are tons of other characters that would fit the bill, so feel free to mention them in the comments section. Without further ado, let's get to it!
#10 - Wally West (The Flash)

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My bias for Wally West (the OG) notwithstanding, travel
posts are big here on Steemit. As to why, I have no clue, because my few travel posts never trended. But, it is what it is. As The Flash, he's able to travel anywhere in the world in near lightspeed. He could be having breakfast in the US, lunch in Barcelona, afternoon tea in London and dinner in Macau. His lightning-fast wit would do great in the funny
tags as well. And, because he's expending so much energy, he would need to eat all the time. That's where food
comes into play. The problem is, sometimes he would post too much and many autovoters would get annoyed that he's such a drain on their voting power. If I ever catch up to him, I'll make sure to let him know to just post at most once a day.
Runners-up (pun intended): Every other speedster, flyer and teleporter out there
#9 - Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern)

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One of the comic book world's most prominent artists, Kyle Rayner would do great work filling the STEEM blockchain with wonderful art
. Since he's able to visit other galaxies using his Green Lantern (or White Lanter) ring, he would be able to take photography
and travel
to whole new heights. He's quite funny
when he wants to be, too. Plus, with the tragic tale of his girlfriend being stuffed into a fridge and all of the other stuff he has seen, you know he has stories
to tell.
Green with envy: Every other lantern corps
#8 - Amadeus Cho (The Totally Awesome Hulk)

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Not many of you know, but Amadeus Cho is the 7th smartest man in the world in Marvel comics. Before he became the Hulk, he was relatively obscure, but that didn't stop him from making a cameo in The Incredible Hulk (though I doubt that would be canon) and his mother, Helen Cho, having a prominent role in the creation of The Vision during Avengers: Age of Ultron. As a Korean, he'll undoubtedly get a boost from the trending kr
tag (though my own South Korean-inspired series doesn't seem to draw any votes from that) and from the STEEM STEM team whenever he schools us on science
Myeong-damnit just missed the mark: Cindy Moon (Silk)
#7 - Jamie Madrox (Multiple Man)

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Steemians who are diverse have been known to make it big, and nobody has the potential to be more diverse than the Multiple Man, er, themselves. Life
, art
, travel
, food
, music
, story
, contest
, etc. He and his dupes (duplicates) could go through every tag like hot knife through butter. Plus, he wouldn't need to have hundreds and votes to do near-worthless voting. He can have legit votes and comments all by conversing with himself. Surely, he would be a staple in the trending tab!
Similar characters: James Madrox, John Madrox, Sean Madrox
#6 - Tony Stark (Iron Man)

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Oh, Tony. What can't you do? The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist has ticked every checkbox in the Steemit checklist. His edge over the other people on this list? He can billions of STEEM and power up! One 100% vote from him would change a person's life. So, that automatically makes him fodder for spammers, but he doesn't care. He's living the high life, on and off armor. Drinking champagne on a yacht? Check. Lambo? Please. Breaking Mach-5 with an armored suit he developed? Almost on the daily. Tony has it all, and he doesn't need additional votes. But, you can rest assured many minnows, dolphins and whales would still pepper him with votes. Life
, science
, money
, technology
, he could make posts for those with his eyes closed. The problem is that he has too much on his plate, that he might not be able to post that regularly and some might take his wealth as a bad thing. Food
? Well, he has his butler for that.
Sides of the same coin: Bruce Wayne (but he doesn't care about any of it, why? Because he's Batman!), Lex Luthor
#5 - Michael Jon Carter (Booster Gold)
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The guy's from the future, so he already knows what's going to trend. He'll make a killing in the stock and cryptocurrency
market! Plus, the guy's a glory hog, and we know that those people do well here. It's sad to say, but dudebros (the douchey kind) have earned quite a lot here. I don't know why people continually support them, but hey, wherever they're happy. This guy's going to lead the charge when it comes to high class spamming. He'll comment on one of your posts and expect you to vote, comment and resteem all of his, all the while thanking him for letting you breathe the same air he does. He's rude, arrogant, insufferable, and he's going to be trending all day every day.
Shades of cray: Guy Gardner (Green Lantern), Every other dudebro or timetraveler
#4 - Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
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Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can. Fortunately for Peter Parker, he can do so much more. He has photography
down pat, and he has acrobatic skills that would make for great DTube videos
. In light of recent events with him losing his company, Parker Industries, money
and technology
are out of the equation. Luckily for him, he's been hired as the science
editor for his old stomping grounds, The Daily Bugle. I'm sure he's kicking himself for not investing in cryptocurrency
while he was rich. Lesson learned for everyone. Getting STEEM would surely help him get back to his feet. With his popularity, I'm sure it won't take him long before the upvotes roll in. Steemit does love a good success story!
#3 - Warren Worthington III (Angel/Archangel)

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Rich? Check. Charismatic? You betcha. Good looking? Not for me to say, but I guess he is. In the world of Steemit, he's like Iron Man crossed with Booster Gold. He's a rich dudebro that has nothing else to do but be active on Steemit. His ability to fly makes him capable of producing great photography
and travel
posts. He'll tell you what you want to hear, and he'll lap up every compliment he gets. Unlike Booster Gold, he's way more likeable, and his wings are a great topic of conversation. He does have a bad side though, but his recent breakthrough has him fully in the driver's seat. I'm sure he'll find a way to positively spin his image. Heck, I'm even gushing about a dudebro what the hell!
Birds of the same feather: Starfox, Daken
#2 - Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)

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We finally have our first woman break the top ten, and my, my, my what a woman! Dr. Pamela Isley has the looks, the body, the charm, the... wait, what the hell! It seems like I've been entranced by the pheromones she exudes. Hold on while I try to breathe in some fresh air. She's got science
, nature
and health
covered, and since homesteading
is big here on Steemit, I'm sure she'll do well in that area. Let's admit it, attractive women who show off skin tend to do extremely well here. Now, I'm a happily engaged man and I don't click on those posts, but they're hard to miss when you look at the trending tab. Holy moly, triple figures in earnings! Just goes to show that Steemit has a lot of testosterone. Poison Ivy would make a killing here (literally).
A rose by any other name: Nobody quite like her...
#1 - Charles Xavier (Professor X)

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We've spoken about telepaths and reality manipulators, and how they're unfair before, but this dude takes things to a whole new level. Besides having one of the most overpowered children, this mutant leader has a wicked powerset behind him as well. Commonly referred to as one of the most powerful telepaths, Professor X has long been highly regarded as the bastion of mutantkind. But, the devil's greatest trick was convincing the world that someone else was in the wrong, or something like that. This man is one of the biggest douchebags in all of comicdom. But, don't take my word for it.

He's cruel, manipulative and abusive. Time and again he has displayed inappropriate feelings for his underaged students like Jean Grey and Dani Moonstar, and his repressed feeling (along with other negative emotions) has paved the way for the creation of the uber-overpowered villain Onslaught. One time, he pretended to lose his powers to test his students, endangering their lives. He has faked his death multiple times, and he has erased the memories of a team that he had sent on a suicide mission. That's on top of him brainwashing Wolverine, killing his own twin in the womb, and being part of the goddamn Illuminati. But, enough about that.
Guys like Professor X, those sleazy bastards who make it seem like they're good guys, do extremely well on Steemit. Now, I wouldn't be helping myself if I named them, but I think everyone has their own sense to figure them out. He can manipulate people into getting votes, and he would be getting votes automatically just because people autovote these kinds of people. It doesn't matter if he can't make art
as wonderful as Kyle Rayner, take amazing photography
like Peter Parker, be genuinely funny
like Wally West or be naturally charismatic like Tony Stark. Professor X would still rape the rewards pool and think that he's entitled to the earnings he is getting. Huh.. I guess the 'X' in the title really did mean something. Was that intentional? Who knows... As my very good friend, the Big BOOM Daddy @meesterboom would say...

Now, you probably figured out by now that this is more of a meta commentary on Steemit. Bravo, here's a cyber cookie. After all, this list was mined from the Trending posts and tags here. Everything was done as scientifically as possible.
If we want characters like these owning the trending pages, then by all means continually vote for them. I'm pretty sure they won't be commenting or voting on you any time soon. But, if we want a more balanced community where everyone gets that chance to shine, have wonderful conversations and have earnings that are equal to our contributions, then you know what to do. Change starts with you.
While I have you, check out the first chapter of Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space for some out-of-this-world, R-Rated zombie action by the brilliant @jpgaltmiller. Fair warning though, it's not for the faint of heart.
Thanks for taking the time to read and continually supporting Thought Bubble Thursdays! Cheers to all of you, and I'm looking forward to reading your comments :D
Vote for @lukestokes.mhth as a STEEM witness to keep the STEEM flowing :D

Lol, I works have none of them. They would all be pillaging the rewards pool worth their super powered snash! Although I think Mr Stark might get on well with Uncle Boom! They both have butler's :0)
Mr Stark and Uncle Boom will get along famously!! I mean, their friendship won't be as epic as Jed Man and Tick-Tick-Tick..BOOM's but their up there. I'm sure Jarvis and Morris will get along as well! The rewards pool would be thoroughly fuched by these superpowered heroes... or has it happened already? Hmm...
Perhaps it has happened already!
I feel like it has! Me thinks these characters are just a facade for real people haha!
Lol, well at least if these super heroes joined we would all understand why the rewards pool was so fucked!
You're right about that! Right now, we're just left to scratch our heads haha!
Of course he would get on well with Uncle Boom, two peas in a pod! Plus he'd be hanging out with me, so you'd meet him straight away. lolll
Yeah, no.
Batman would take them all over, this whole site and the full blockchain, if you give him enough time to prepare his posts.
Haha I didn't include Batman in the list because I feel like he wouldn't care about posting here too much. He's too wrapped up in his own agenda to bother with social media. That's why I carefully picked all of the ones I mentioned haha!
Hey, thanks for the shout-out! Great job in connecting comic characters to trending tags on steemit. From my experience here, I'd have to say the most successful steemit superhero would be the guy talking about cryptocurrency. :) Though, who that is in the comics world, I don't know.
I would expect that, as steemit moves forward, tags in the narrative realm would/should become super popular - whether it's story writing, comic pages, or episodic videos on DTube. Because, why not? Fictional narratives are more entertaining than pictures of food, travel, etc. On the other hand, posts about philosophy and politics are pretty ripe for discussion and comments, so those can be popular too.
At the end of the day though, you're right that a lot of the reaction stems from the power of the original poster, or the whales who give the post some love.
That would still be Professor X, I feel. That guy will say anything the world wants to read. He's a predator like that haha!
I fully wish you're soothsaying there, bud! I do believe that the long-term potential of those tags are huge. It's super hard to dethrone the media that could be easily digested though. Time is the most precious commodity, and people are wary to give that up. I would argue, more than any amount of upvote.
You're very much welcome, dude! Happy to support such wonderful work :D
Thought bubble indeed. Very well written, and although I don't follow these comics, I know most of the names. Your expert analysis and correlation skills put it all together for me.
I may occasionally look at the trending pages of specific tags I like - perhaps story or writing, but even then walk away disappointed. Unfortunately smaller votes often follow the bigger votes, and its these bigger votes - the whales, and larger dolphins - that put and keep these people there. It always makes me wonder why these people don't just lower their votes percentage and make more votes. Curation rewards, I suppose.
But this repetitive voting and same same attitude is the Achilles Heel of Steemit. And I love Steemit, so I'm not going anywhere - but the higher realms of the culture (much like society) strike me as somewhat bland.
I thought I'd give this edition a different spin. That's why I opted to use the more well-known ones, for the benefit of those who don't follow the comics.
I think you're right about your theory regarding the curation rewards. Oh well, can't win them all. It really is the Achilles heel, which is why I want to nip it before it spreads because I believe in Steemit's potential and it's a shame if only a few people reap the benefits. If I was a high earner, I would probably just have a cap of how much I'm comfortable with so that the love would be spread out more. But, I'm far from that threshold I'm seeking. It's always nice to have friends who share your sentiment! :D
ha ha Resteeming this comic/steem gem. I probably would follow all of them even if they are a little douchy at times.
I would be resteeming poison Ivy every god damn day! Cause - red heads! Num num
I appreciate the resteem! And, yeah, I do feel like the douches would dominate here. I mean, there is a precedent for it. I thank Poison Ivy for a lot of things during my formative years haha!
Number 10 Wally Flash sounds just like me lol I'm fast and I post alot but fortunately my supporters adjust the percentage of their autoupvotes so it is balanced with my high activity. I would love to catch to some people as well. This is the best race on the internet. Steemit is fun overly fun. Nice comic book post bro, very creative and neverending supply for post ideas. That is why your consistency and innovative resourcefulness will produce you more well deserved succedd
Well, there's a downside to the frequent posting, I think I've told you that months ago. But, everyone has their own approach, and whatever works for you, as long as you're happy with it, just go with it. Not a lot of people would be too pleased to see their autovoter voting on just one person more than half the time, so I do get where they're coming from. It looks like you're doing great though, so just keep at it! :D I'm doing the Tortoise approach so it has its own ups and downs haha
Goodness! I do, however, want characters like the flash on the trending pages.
Question! Do you know of any comics that are posting on Steemit? I mean, like, Webcomics that use the blockchain as their platform? I love web comics, like xkcd, SomethingPositive, SaturdayMorningBreakfastCereal and GirlGenius. I'm sure steemit could be a good platform for stuff like that! Though I guess the closing of rewards might not work as well, since, when I discover a new comic I like, I go back and read them all, thereby giving the advertisements on those pages impressions.
I can't argue with you there! I'm sure The Flash deserves every penny he gets!
Besidesthe one I already recommended, check out @kommienezuspadt and @bryan-imhoff's works. I'm also in the process of making a STEEM-based comic with @artistchristian, so I'm shamelessly plugging it here haha! I do get how the closing of rewards might not work as well, but I guess that could still be effective in bringing readers to the latest work. Perhaps putting up a compilation for sale would be the key.
Right. I think I prefer comic strips to books. ;) You know of any of those? I looked at all these, and they seemed more comic-booky... Is there a technical term for the difference?
Maybe it's just that I like punchlines more than action.
Oh right strips like xkcd and Cyanide and Happiness. Sorry, sorry. Spaced for a sec there. I haven't seen original ones here, but if I stumble upon some I'll make sure to send them your way. Maybe you could start your own strips! You certainly have the creativity and drive for it!
Thanks! I certainly think of it when I make my terrible MSPaint visual puns. I wonder if I'd enjoy one of those fancier drawing apps. I always got poor grades in art classes, though. My fine motor skills seem to be lacking.
There are a lot of helpful apps available for us who aren't visually inclined.
Oh! Or there's the whole "dinosaur comics" approach. Use the same template every time. You know dinosaur comics? I love those. http://www.qwantz.com/
This is my best edition, relating these characters to everyday life on steemit from those that post everyday like splash to the multi functional guy who has many personalities at once, they are those operating multiple accounts, they post, comment, reply and upvote themselves, or the Iron Man that is a whale or a dolphin, this edition is sweet to my mind, I ate it, I handed resteemed so I can read it again and again. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! I do appreciate your continued support through comments and resteems. I'm so happy that you've been enjoying my posts! :D
Am so in love with your creativity, the way you present your stories are heart taking, your post are most interesting. Thanks for your writings
Oh man, you just keep piling on with this awesome compliments don't you?? :D This really made my day, so thank you! I appreciate the support you've given!
I really love your writings, hope you'll teach me how to write like you, I really want to learn
I'm happy to help out whenever you need my help! Just say the word :D
Are you on discord, I'll love to dm you sometime and get my questions across to u privily.
haha i am more like multiple man! the post was really amazing i really enjoyed the merging you did with steemit and i also didn't know professor x was that douche, more like a villain i should say :P
You know, I favor his powers as well! I would much rather be a generalist than a specialist. Jack of all trades and such. I appreciate you enjoying it! It was very fun to write! Professor X is a fraud, the epitome of what's wrong with society, so I'm happy to spread the knowledge haha! :D
I'm doing late nights and early mornings again atm so it took me a fair while to cotton on to what I thought you were doing XD
I liked the "runners up" bits at the ends, they rounded out each section nicely :)
I've been trying to get through a lot of stuff I want to post because I envision stepping away for some time after the wedding. I do hope I could maintain some semblance of regularity though. I'm glad you caught this though, mate!
Haha! I just knew you're going to notice those! Honestly, those were even harder to think about than the descriptions themselves haha!
It will be totally understandable if you step away for a bit after the wedding. Are you doing a honeymoon? And regardless you'll probably want a bit of downtime after all that chaos and organising and having to deal with a hundred million people XD
You're coming back afterwards though right?
Ahahaha hmm... hmmmmm..... I remember being at a similar crossroads last year as A Day in the Clouds was winding down hmmmm....
Ahh well I guess we wait and see if there are any post-wedding posts XP
Haha yes we shall... wait, that is!
haha I see that you also liked Lesbian Zombies from Outer Space. I haven't gotten a chance to see the latest ones because the kids are always around lol.
He stumbled upon me, so I couldn't help but read that masterpiece haha! Perks of a single guy! Maybe when everyone else is asleep you can read it haha!
Well, maybe some day someone takes up the names you mention and starts behaving exactly like them when operating on Steemit. Or, are they doing it already, but just under other name? Sorry, this is just an idea I got while reading your post after yesterday's evening reading of some flag wars here on Steemit. ... When pepople start revenging, revenge can beocme just as addictive as mind altering drugs or alcohol.
Well, truth be told, it's happening already. The observations here are based on the trending posts and tags, so I just mined this from real life, then looked for comic book characters that are similar.
OK, as you know I’m not big into comics, but after seeing the image of Poison Ivy you posted I might be getting interested. In high school one of my classmates was a looker named Ivy, of course you know what her nickname was.
Haha! I think all Ivy's are doomed to suffer that fate. As a boy, I, uh... came into age because of Poison Ivy, so I'm glad that she has the same effect for grown men haha!
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The percentage is getting smaller every time haha!