Anything to help smaller accounts grow and retain users on the platform. Any chance the service fee could be burned on ROI has been achieved.
Anything to help smaller accounts grow and retain users on the platform. Any chance the service fee could be burned on ROI has been achieved.
we can discuss it once it's built, I assume some maintenance and servers will be required, we'll see what the approximate costs and effort that went into it is first then decide!
That makes sense to me I figured either return the excess or just lower maintenance to keep a reasonable ROI or operating cost makes a lot of sense to me. I don't think 0 profit is right, but I think people would be happier to see services that pay back a appropriate amount. I have been thinking about the DHF a lot and see that there is a lot of waste that gives off bad optics so anything we can do to improve optics, user retention/experience is good.