Then why can't a county defy it's state government
San Diego County Board of Supervisors votes to support sanctuary state lawsuit against California
- The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people
Now this is a statement I can get behind.
If sanctuary cities were a moral cause, so be it. Laws were made from morals, not the other way round.
As so with the the 2nd amendment.
If you don't fight for your moral causes, what's the point in doing anything?
Of course we all know sanctuary cities are a political game, not a moral cause.
Done or today in terms in destabilizing federal authority , and for demographic voter returns tomorrow.
This is about a breakdown in systems, and no particular causes.
(it wouldn't surprise me if the the left were trying to make this happen - the 2nd amendment sanctuary state- for example. Disruption for disruptions sake. Order from chaos and all that..)
The breakdown is the dangerous bit.
The new world order can't have an American constitution..
this is what happens when you are writing war gaming rules, which is what I was doing yesterday - morale is a very commonly used word
at the moment, on the national scene, neither is held in high regard.
My rules on war gaming morale will be held in very- high regard, sir!
That much is obvious. The belief that rights are given by God is not compatible with the idea that rights are given by the state.
if the state is the highest authority, they become god.
No matter the religion, or no religion - if it has higher authority to the state will be regarded as competition - and totalitarian mindsets do not like competition.
Rights of birth (or moment of conception, if we are being pedantic), need to be the charter.
Beyond religion or state or any authority. The act enshrines the right.
Good question. I'm sure there's a good answer, but I don't know it.
My understanding is that the counties are all government subdivisions of the state, while the federal government (was intended to be) a limited authority over a collection independent of states.
My limited public education neglected to teach much about government structure, and they certainly did not discuss the possibility for anyone to deny the authority of the federal government. @ironshield
Shirley you've noticed in the snooze that the states have been defying the feds on a number of issues.
Pot, Gunz, Illegals to name but a few?
some have even threatened secession.
if states can...why not counties.
I'd love to see california secede (texas too)
I'd like it even better to see all the states fragment.
Imagine a United States with a thousand states?
Perhaps the Union will be divided into small collections of small states and "kingdoms" with chieftains at their head. A loosely united 1000 states would be more difficult to centralize... might work. Just don't call me Shirley. @ironshield caught that..
so few do.
I'm of the opinion that each and every elected representative should know each and every one of his constituents on a first name basis.
Call them 'city states'...or 'economic influence zones'
A good ideology
There are only two levels of sovereignty in the United States: Federal, and State. Counties and cities are political subdivisions within, and legally a part of, the State. The power that is exercised by these entities is delegated State power.
(I am not an attorney, but am familiar with this issue as it exists in the law of California.)
what is the last word of the tenth amendment?
"people". The problem is that that last word has no effect unless the State constitution gives it an effect. The California Constitution, for example, has no analogous provision.
I have no doubt about california.
not just for hunting.