It was a curious event that vote, glad we won.
I do find quite original things all the time here and really nice friendly people, compared to other social-media it's very nice, almost no trolls or assholes.
Sure the "self-jerking" and such but if thats what people want to do, thats fine, but I wish the "self-jerkers" would understand the value of manually curating some minnows and planktons every day, (and then continue to "self-jerk", "circle-jerk" or what ever they call it now days)...
If they did that this place would grow fast the value of the community and STEEM too.
Well @erodedthoughts, have a nice day/night it was interesting to get to know you a little bit...
Oh, there is plenty of original work, that is not what I was meaning when I said bandwagoning.
I just wish more people would realize the more places we have to sell SBD will always help platform health more than it will ever help to have places to sell Steem.
Not following you right now? More places, like exchanges? Like Binance? etc?