Yeah. I just wanted to give you a heads up that it will be a few days before I get on it. But it has given me something to look forward in the attic. I'm sure to find lots of goodies I've forgotten I had. 😁
This afternoon when we came back from our walk I found a couple of used canvases abandone by the rubbish which I picked up. But, I probably should have left them there since I do very little painting nowadays and the idea is to get rid of stuff not collect more. 😂
Maybe you found them, because while rummaging around for fun stuff, an idea comes to you that you will need one for. I would not have left them there either. It simply would not be natural for anyone who likes to create, even now and then.
Don't worry, I won't be standing out at the mail box every day looking to see if a surprise is here. LOL !!