A Sunny Afternoon Off.....

in #community2 days ago (edited)
Hello ! Helloooo !
I clocked off of work at noon as I sometimes like to do. Somehow, working only till noon almost feels like having a whole day off. I have Thursday afternoon off this week too...Yay!
I had previously decided I wanted to visit a couple of used book stores I had never been too. I nearly planned one trip last night, avoiding the super highway and still figuring out how to get there, but by bedtime, I had talked myself out of that one. Funny, because it prompted me for a while to gather some things to sell there, old tapes and CDs and the such and that led me to go through another box of old stuff that might have some textured things I could use to make collage paper designs. I never meant to spend that kind of time on it all and especially by bedtime a few hours later when I changed my mind about going. LOL D'oh!
By morning I had decided to go to a closer used book store and thought the plan was in stone, but before I could get off, even at noon, I got some crazy work that took a long time to unscramble and in the unscrambling time, I became annoyed. That caused me not to be so keen on going to the second store either.
I told myself "I'm NOT going!" .... however, after I did about 30 minutes prep for some other stuff at my art table, I found that I wanted to get out of here for a while and I still had my desire to go treasure hunting for things I might use for collage fodder. Fodder, that's a funny word, right.... anyway.
I did go out and I'll tell more about that below. When I got back home though, it was 70'ish degrees here and such a sweet sunny day, so before I carried my treasures in the house, I walked around the back yard snapping a few photos.
Everything is not in full bloom here, but soon more and more blossoms will show up. The Yellow Bell bushes have sprung their yellow blossoms. They are not full yet, but around here, my Uncle could get clip happy any day and decide the bushes need trimming, no matter that they are blooming .....so I feast my eyes while I can and hope he leaves them alone for a while.

yellow bell.jpg

The Bradford Pears are starting to let their white blooms open too. Very soon the tree tops will be totally covered with wide open blooms where it will nearly look like they are laden with snow.

bradford 2.jpg

I took two photos of my Troll sitting on a tree shelf and both of them turned out blurry, which I didn't see till I got in the house, so this is the less blurry of the two. Yes, I know I didn't have to post either one of them, but I wanted him here, so here he is.

blurry troll.jpg

That tree has the neatest knots.


My old wind spinners sure have had a workout in the past few weeks. I love to see them when they are spinning. There is a red bicycle one in the background at the fence, but it didn't show up that well.


Here's another one. After I took a photo of the top of it, I pulled it up out of the ground and carried it around to the front of the house to put in the front Azalea bed that will be nearly bare this spring since they were butchered at the wrong time of year. It was too far out in the yard anyway. When I planted the spinners, they were all between the Bradford Pear trees, behind the grass line so they wouldn't interfere with the yard being mowed, but my 80something year old Uncle who owns this house I am in has the beginnings of dementia and for some reason, he moves them about now and then. I never know when I look out the kitchen window each morning, where they will be in the yard. I find humor in it. I'm just glad he hasn't made them disappear completely.

wind spinner.jpg

One more photo of the sun flare through the trees and wer'e back to the afternoon trip.

sun flair through tree.jpg

I had decided to go to the local Good Will. I had only been once. A few years back a nice new building went up in our small town and there it was, we now had our own Good Will store. I used to go a lot when I lived in the next town over. Since it was on the high dollar side of town, it was always packed with good stuff. The only time though that I had gone to this new one, I was not impressed and thought I wouldn't go back, but it had been a while and although I wanted to go out, I didn't want to spend half the time driving somewhere.
I was mostly looking for things I could use in my collage art, like I said, but even though I was going to look, I had very low expectations, hardly any expectations actually. I pulled into where the store was and decided they must be closed as the lot was empty, no cars. Then I got to the front and saw a big sign that they had moved. I took down the address and googled the location. It was on the same road, about a mile away on the other side, so off I went.
To my happy surprise, I did find a few things I could use. The Lewis & Clark book had maps of course and other photos of handwritten notes and some other interesting stuff and of course the Atlas is full of maps, so I should never need more map paper.... ever. LOL

books 2.jpg

I also found this Thesaurus. I was hoping for an old dictionary, but there wasn't one. That's ok, one day I will come across an old one cheap, I'm just sure of it. The book of verse I could use as well, but I'm totally interested in reading all of that one. I'll use pages I don't like. LOL !!!


Maps in the Atlas.....

book atlas page map.jpg

Writing from the Lewis & Clark book. There are more types and hand drawings of different things. Lots to choose from.

book page lewis clark writing.jpg

One more thing that made me extremely happy was finding these old dress patterns. They were just randomly laying among some home decor. I had asked Mom recently if she had any she had not thrown out years ago and she did not and I also asked one of my sisters and of course she did not have any either. You can still buy patterns I think, but I didn't want to pay today's prices for things I will tear up and glue around. I know it sounds silly, but I really wanted some. There were 5 packs for $1 each so I bought them all. I tried to leave two there, but I just couldn't make myself. I won't need any more of this ever either....LOL


This photo shows some of the pattern paper.

pattern brown paper.jpg

Those are funny things for treasures, aren't they? I found another couple of things that weren't paper. I'll show them later, but it wasn't much more. A couple of the books were a little bit heavy and I came out with nearly more than I could carry well in my arms. All of it for around $13!!
It was fun and I was happy with what I found, especially when I wasn't expecting to find a single thing I could use. So much for what I KNOW.... right??
Ok, that 's about it for today.
Hope your week has started off well.
Love you!
This past weekend, my Yellow Bell bushes started blooming, too! The Bradford Pear trees are in full bloom as well! I love when everything comes alive in spring! Your finds at the Thrift Store are awesome! It will be fun to see what you do with it all! 😁

Hi !

I noticed my Bradfords had buds on them last week and it had been really cold off and on. We had two days of warmer weather and out they came ! They usually are earlier to bloom than the other trees, so I shouldn't be surprised, but it seems like I am every year. I too love it when everything starts to come alive. Winter and brown is my least favorite time of year, so I'm always ready for spring long before it gets here.

I am wondering what I am going to do with all that stuff myself! ha ....my art, especially the collage is not traditional and you see more of those papers in those older types of styles. I will make a few neutral pieces I am sure, but I am wondering how I can use them and still tilt them to my bold color style. We'll see !

Thanks for stopping by.

Such a fun way to spend an afternoon. Sadly I don't allow myself to go treasure hunting anymore because I have enough stash to last me many lifetimes. That's why I try and use up as much as I can in my projects.

Would you be willing to send me your postal address? (Not sure how we'd do that privately) But I'd love to send you a packet of treasures from the attic. It's been on my mind to do that ever since you started doing painty papers and collage.

If that's something you'd like, please let me know and we'll work out a way to make it happen. Sending attic treasures to fellow creators is the closest I get these days to the treasure hunting buzz, 😁

Hi !

I don't go treasure hunting frequently, but along the way I will see someone else use something I think is neat and I will want to try some of it. Of course, I have only been including collaging in my art for a year. I actually started it in the first of March last year. In some parts of it I have come a long way and it sure has been fun. In other parts of it, I need more practice. I have acquired a nice little bunch of things I admit and some I have used frequently, while others, not so much. I guess that's how you learn though. I am currently mentally working on some re-organizing of what I already have, to make sure I keep it all in a way I remember what I do actually have. LOL.... sometimes, out-of-site-out-of-mind.

I did go on a small buying spree in the last week, a corner clipper/shaper, an awl in case I want to include hand stitching and a few more stencils. Stencils.... now there is one more thing I don't need any more of! 🤣

Receiving some "attic treasures" sounds exciting. If you have an email, you can email me at [email protected] and I can then send you my address through there. What a wonderful offer!

We've had visitors all day today and then another set arriving tomorrow who are staying for a few days and then my son's birthday celebrations. Weird how it all comes together. For weeks on end we do nothing and then suddenly it's hectic with people we've not seen for years. 🤷‍♀

Anyway, I'll get started on your package next week when it all calms down. I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be so much fun doing a treasure in the attic.

I'll email you soon-ish. 😍


There is absolutely NO hurry at all. It wouldn't be fun to you if you feel pushed about it and it should all be fun.

I understand about the schedule. It seems I do nothing extra for weeks and then all of the sudden there is a week where everything seems to fall at the same time. Just life!

Yeah. I just wanted to give you a heads up that it will be a few days before I get on it. But it has given me something to look forward in the attic. I'm sure to find lots of goodies I've forgotten I had. 😁

This afternoon when we came back from our walk I found a couple of used canvases abandone by the rubbish which I picked up. But, I probably should have left them there since I do very little painting nowadays and the idea is to get rid of stuff not collect more. 😂

Maybe you found them, because while rummaging around for fun stuff, an idea comes to you that you will need one for. I would not have left them there either. It simply would not be natural for anyone who likes to create, even now and then.

Don't worry, I won't be standing out at the mail box every day looking to see if a surprise is here. LOL !!

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