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RE: A Sunny Afternoon Off.....

Such a fun way to spend an afternoon. Sadly I don't allow myself to go treasure hunting anymore because I have enough stash to last me many lifetimes. That's why I try and use up as much as I can in my projects.

Would you be willing to send me your postal address? (Not sure how we'd do that privately) But I'd love to send you a packet of treasures from the attic. It's been on my mind to do that ever since you started doing painty papers and collage.

If that's something you'd like, please let me know and we'll work out a way to make it happen. Sending attic treasures to fellow creators is the closest I get these days to the treasure hunting buzz, 😁


Hi !

I don't go treasure hunting frequently, but along the way I will see someone else use something I think is neat and I will want to try some of it. Of course, I have only been including collaging in my art for a year. I actually started it in the first of March last year. In some parts of it I have come a long way and it sure has been fun. In other parts of it, I need more practice. I have acquired a nice little bunch of things I admit and some I have used frequently, while others, not so much. I guess that's how you learn though. I am currently mentally working on some re-organizing of what I already have, to make sure I keep it all in a way I remember what I do actually have. LOL.... sometimes, out-of-site-out-of-mind.

I did go on a small buying spree in the last week, a corner clipper/shaper, an awl in case I want to include hand stitching and a few more stencils. Stencils.... now there is one more thing I don't need any more of! 🤣

Receiving some "attic treasures" sounds exciting. If you have an email, you can email me at [email protected] and I can then send you my address through there. What a wonderful offer!

We've had visitors all day today and then another set arriving tomorrow who are staying for a few days and then my son's birthday celebrations. Weird how it all comes together. For weeks on end we do nothing and then suddenly it's hectic with people we've not seen for years. 🤷‍♀

Anyway, I'll get started on your package next week when it all calms down. I'm really looking forward to it. It's going to be so much fun doing a treasure in the attic.

I'll email you soon-ish. 😍


There is absolutely NO hurry at all. It wouldn't be fun to you if you feel pushed about it and it should all be fun.

I understand about the schedule. It seems I do nothing extra for weeks and then all of the sudden there is a week where everything seems to fall at the same time. Just life!

Yeah. I just wanted to give you a heads up that it will be a few days before I get on it. But it has given me something to look forward in the attic. I'm sure to find lots of goodies I've forgotten I had. 😁

This afternoon when we came back from our walk I found a couple of used canvases abandone by the rubbish which I picked up. But, I probably should have left them there since I do very little painting nowadays and the idea is to get rid of stuff not collect more. 😂

Maybe you found them, because while rummaging around for fun stuff, an idea comes to you that you will need one for. I would not have left them there either. It simply would not be natural for anyone who likes to create, even now and then.

Don't worry, I won't be standing out at the mail box every day looking to see if a surprise is here. LOL !!