Hey, @tarazkp.
Yeah. In our state it seems to mainly hinge on the numbers being hospitalized and how that impacts available space at any given point. It's been less about the number of positive cases since those are now tripling or quadrupling the amounts when the first round of lockdowns began in March. However, of course, the number of deaths that can be attributed to the coronavirus, no matter how flimsy, is what the media likes to emphasize. In our state of over 4 million people, we have a little over 800 deaths.
It's hard to see past some sort of design, or coordination, or cooperation, or something. It seems to be a combination of power grab, incompetence, ignorance or capitulation among the masses and probably other factors that can't be controlled, but basically get ridden out like a wave to whatever extent possible.
If you think about it long enough, though, health safety is pretty much the overarching umbrella that can be used to push forward every global agenda I can think of. From restricting free speech, to gun ownership to imposing regulations for climate change and actual food intake. Everything can be hazardous to your health and therefore must be curbed for the greater good!
In Finland - Pop. ~5.5M There has been 374 - with only 70 added since May. There hasn't really been lockdowns here, just a lot of suggestions and no international travel of course. Early on, there was some restrictions on intercity travel - but not for long.
You are right about health safety being a potential umbrella. I think it might be worse in the US as there is also less health coverage for many people, meaning getting ill is a nightmare and can carry extreme costs. In Europe, this isn't much of an issue, as pretty much everyone is covered to some degree - Finland that degree is pretty decent. The driver is of course fear again - health is a good one because you don't have to have war or terrorist attacks to generate the fear.