The responses to the nonsense seems erratic by design. We are now in a stage of rolling lock downs globally, based on very flimsy reasoning at best - just to say, "we control you, we own your businesses, your decision are ours".
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Point in case: Adelaide, South Australia.
#debacle #jokesonus
Perhaps I'm missing something, but a worker there lied and people are verbally abusing the business owners? There have been some really nasty things said.
Yeah, some Spanish guy on an expiring work visa was working there and lied about how he caught the virus, possibly because his visa precluded him from working there and he was doing the wrong thing. He said he bought a pizza there, but actually her was working.
Apparently the police are there to guard the business. I'm not sure why. Public backlash probably though I suppose. I never read the article...News is mostly rubbish.
So much mixed information coming out at the moment. It's like a pick and mix for some people. Latch onto the bits you want to believe and run with it. The guy was also working as hotel security at a different medi hotel, was what was originally being said, which makes the visa thing confusing. Maybe they weren't supposed to be working other jobs as medi hotel workers. We're left with a guessing game and lots of pieces of information that don't logically for together. Although that could also be down to inconsistent reporting.
Glad to have early release at any rate. Even the climbing gym has had early release. Good job they aren't classified as a sport, though. They're out until 1st December.
The way I understand it he had exceeded the allowable working hour limit over a fortnight period and was hiding that fact by lying about not working at the pizza bar as exceeding the hour-limit has visa implications.
It doesn't really matter though...It cost the State about $100 million and whether they tar and feather him or deport him back to Spain it won't gain the money back for those who lost it.
Hey, @tarazkp.
Yeah. In our state it seems to mainly hinge on the numbers being hospitalized and how that impacts available space at any given point. It's been less about the number of positive cases since those are now tripling or quadrupling the amounts when the first round of lockdowns began in March. However, of course, the number of deaths that can be attributed to the coronavirus, no matter how flimsy, is what the media likes to emphasize. In our state of over 4 million people, we have a little over 800 deaths.
It's hard to see past some sort of design, or coordination, or cooperation, or something. It seems to be a combination of power grab, incompetence, ignorance or capitulation among the masses and probably other factors that can't be controlled, but basically get ridden out like a wave to whatever extent possible.
If you think about it long enough, though, health safety is pretty much the overarching umbrella that can be used to push forward every global agenda I can think of. From restricting free speech, to gun ownership to imposing regulations for climate change and actual food intake. Everything can be hazardous to your health and therefore must be curbed for the greater good!
In Finland - Pop. ~5.5M There has been 374 - with only 70 added since May. There hasn't really been lockdowns here, just a lot of suggestions and no international travel of course. Early on, there was some restrictions on intercity travel - but not for long.
You are right about health safety being a potential umbrella. I think it might be worse in the US as there is also less health coverage for many people, meaning getting ill is a nightmare and can carry extreme costs. In Europe, this isn't much of an issue, as pretty much everyone is covered to some degree - Finland that degree is pretty decent. The driver is of course fear again - health is a good one because you don't have to have war or terrorist attacks to generate the fear.