Thanks for the insight of your experience on the other site. That actually supports my own opinion that if things are left totally free, human nature seems to bring it to the lowest common denominator.
This is why I am all for structure (in whatever form it may be). I am certainly not of the opinion that I know what is best for this platform because there are many things I have no clue about and it is impossible to make rational decisions on things you know nothing about.
What I do know is that no matter what brings people to something like this platform, if they feel discouraged, they will eventually give up and look for greener pastures. Some have lower tolerance and will give up sooner, while others will stick around longer, but as long as there seems to be no hope, the exodus will eventually happen.
I'm guessing that the platform itself might be able to survive with just a few participants, but it will be nowhere as successful as with mass acceptance and buy-in. That is my vision for this platform. I would like to see Steemit push past FB and all the other similar platforms and eventually become the defacto currency of the world (or at least one of the top few). I would like to be able to pay for anything and everything with Steem from my Steem Wallet.
My vision is for a system that is fair to both new and old investors. I don't believe that 'might is right'. Bullying and abuse of power is not in the best interests of a harmonious society; never has and never will be. Unfortunately, that is the standard practice in the real world and also in this world as it now stands. My hope was that this world in cyberspace could be a role model for the outside world as to how harmony can be achieved and everyone benefits.
Perhaps I'm just a dreamer, but then isn't it dreams of things that never were the things that became reality?