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RE: Snow

in #community • 2 months ago

It IS a substantial piece. I'd love it if the bells were all happily clangy, but for some reason, their tinkling sound is fairly quiet. I'm not sure what is up with that. 😄 There are 3 other chimes around that porch with metal tubes that have some really lovely, substantial, chiming going on, so it's still all good. It is quite the merry musical out there when the wind blows.

This is probably the most snow we've had in about 4 years. Our area is not over snowy in the winter. We used to have maybe two smaller snows like this and one bigger one each year as an average, but we were lucky if we got to see even a light dusting of snow for a good while now.

Thank you for the birthday wishes. I always take my birthday off. If it is Monday, Wednesday or Friday, I only take one day, but if it falls on Tuesday or Thursday, I take two days for a 4 day weekend. Those are the rules! LOL This year, I was a little lucky because our company, in trying to keep a balance of benefits between us and parts of our company in other countries, informed us in December that we now had a "floating holiday" we could take during this year, so I took that for my birthday! It was quite convenient.

Thanks for stopping over.