
in #community2 months ago (edited)
Hello again !
It's the last full day of my 4 day birthday weekend. It will probably be the last time I have an extended time off for a good while. I've had lots of time off since last October and it has been fun. Now though, it is time to work more steady, so that barring unforeseen things, I can do it again next fall. It's not so hard for me to work steady in the wintery months.


It snowed here starting midday on Friday, through Friday evening and then some sleet came down during the night and made a hard ice crust over the snow. As you can see, the snow is not that deep, but the ground was already cold, so it did stick on everything and was fun to see.
Although I had not planned it, I was out on my front porch Saturday morning when the sun came up. I got out there a few minutes before the sun peeked over the horizon. It was really neat how before I could see the sun, there was the thinnest, firey gold streak across the whole horizon, heralding the coming sunrise. I did take photos with my phone camera (as all of these are)....but of course it was impossible to show the true beauty of it that my eyes could see clearly.


Later, I went back out several times, took a few more photos and chunked the ice off my front steps so the sun could dry them fast. I wasn't planning on going anywhere because the roads were covered in ice. I had all I needed here to stay warm and cozy inside.

to send.jpg

I was compelled as usual to take some photos of the different things around the porch each time I went out. Someone left this neat hanging bell windchime on my back porch, sometime around Christmas. Nobody claimed to be the giver, so I have no idea where it came from, but it was obviously someone who knew me well as I love outdoor art decor of any kind.
I didn't actually find it till last weekend when my Aunt, who lives next door, came over to give me some containers she wanted me to return to Mom's when I went out for a visit. While I was out there seeing her off is when I originally saw the frozen birdbath that I had a photo of in my last post. I had come back in to get my phone to take a photo of it and when I turned back around to come into the door, there it was, leaning on my bench beside the door. No note, no nothing! No matter though, I love it and took it directly out to the front and hung it up on a hook that was already there. I liked the way the morning sun made the gold bells light up.


Another little photo of the wind spinner from the first photo. Originally I had held my camera down over the porch banister, because there were some water drips on the larger arms that the sun was shining through, making them sparkle. I didn't catch that so good in any of the photos, but I liked the way it looked where the ice was caught in some of the little cups.


There was also the lightest coating of ice on all the tiny limbs of the bare trees, which I also didn't catch very well. It made me laugh to type that. As you can see, it didn't stop me from continuing to snap away.... snap snap !


Snow makes everything a little fun as long as there is no need to drive anywhere.


Now here I am, at my computer desk writing my post. Earlier, but not MUCH earlier, I put on a small pot of coffee and while my Mr. Coffee was dripping it, I loaded the dishwasher and got it going, took the full trash bag out of the can and put in a fresh bag, filled up my water cup and grabbed a couple of homemade fruitcake cookies that Mom made, to eat for my breakfast. They are gone already! ... but they were delish.


I will do some things today, but I am not sure what. There are so many choices! I think I will just make it up as I go along.
Hope you are doing well, wherever you may be and that you have a happy day.
Love you!

Greetings @jacey.boldart ,

What a splendid post....Happy Birthday again....A four day Birthday party.

The decorations are lovely... ^__^

Kind Regards,


Thank you! I like Birthday celebrations that last a long time. :)

That bell thingie is really nice!

I liked it! It was a very nice surprise.

That is one SUBSTANTIAL wind chime! It must make quite the chorus of ringing.

The snow looks great. We haven’t had any this winter so far. Probably means there will be a drought in the summer.

Happy birthday weekend to you! Not working on your birthday is the best choice. I take mine off every year.

It IS a substantial piece. I'd love it if the bells were all happily clangy, but for some reason, their tinkling sound is fairly quiet. I'm not sure what is up with that. 😄 There are 3 other chimes around that porch with metal tubes that have some really lovely, substantial, chiming going on, so it's still all good. It is quite the merry musical out there when the wind blows.

This is probably the most snow we've had in about 4 years. Our area is not over snowy in the winter. We used to have maybe two smaller snows like this and one bigger one each year as an average, but we were lucky if we got to see even a light dusting of snow for a good while now.

Thank you for the birthday wishes. I always take my birthday off. If it is Monday, Wednesday or Friday, I only take one day, but if it falls on Tuesday or Thursday, I take two days for a 4 day weekend. Those are the rules! LOL This year, I was a little lucky because our company, in trying to keep a balance of benefits between us and parts of our company in other countries, informed us in December that we now had a "floating holiday" we could take during this year, so I took that for my birthday! It was quite convenient.

Thanks for stopping over.

Happy birthday Jacey, I hope you had fun! Wishing you the very best for the year ahead <3
What a beautiful gift the windchime is, and an anonymous person as well, just awesome!
Your Mom's fruitcake cookies look delicious, would she mind sharing the recipe? Would be nice to make a small batch of them as a treat now and then!
PS My VP is low so I left a little tip instead.

Thank you !

The tip showed before your comment, so I did see it and I appreciate the kind gift.

I would be happy to share the recipe. Although it is not hard, cutting up all the ingredients as little as the family has passed down that we should (LOL) a bit time consuming, but we love them, so think they are well work it. I'll pull it out and share it soon.

We had a very small amount of snow here on Wednesday. It was gone by the morning although I was surprised to see some on the hills of the South Downs when we went out this afternoon.

What a thoughtful gift for someone to leave you on your porch. That must have warmed your heart when you found it.

I hope returning to steady work is not too arduous for you.

It DID warm my heart and made me smile when I found it. I've looked to see if I missed any messages here and there, just in case, but so far I have found nothing!

I wish I didn't think I needed to work at all!... but for working, it certainly is the best case scenario, since I am working at home.