When you speak of what you want, make sure you put all your life force behind your words and get ready...
It was 2007, I was coming out of a very difficult time in my life when I found a job selling lasagnes in an Italian restaurant in Chicago; I was completely broke financially and emotionally. Months later I engaged in a conversation about expectations of the future with an elder coworker; he was a 72 years old guy complaining that his pension wasn’t enough to cover his general expenses and complaining also that he had to pay a large sum of money for the remodeling of his home, he ended up with a very positive note saying; “it’s ok, we’re alive, what’s money to worry about it...” he emphasized, “I’m retired and healthy and that’s all that matters...”
Then he asked me; “ what about you?..”
I was 36 years old, I remember looking in he’s tired colored blue eyes, paused for a moment and replied;
“I will retire when I’m 45...”. He and another coworker from Bosnia started laughing very hard, mocking me for my statement and the seriousness of my tone.
“How are you going to retire at 45, you need to have at least a million dollars in the bank, a paid house and you have nothing at all...” they said between laughs.
I clearly remember my reply like it happened ten minutes ago; “That’s the beauty of it...” I said, “I don’t know how it’s going to happen but I know the universe will come up with something to make it happen because I deserve it...”
The universe brought my daughter in 2015 and brought me to Cryptocurrency at the end of 2015 as well. I invested everything I had in crypto and I haven’t worked for money since 2017.
Today I ran into this picture and this phrase of one of my favorite writers from Life Stories and decided to give my testimony about the truthfulness of this statement.
Would you rather exchange your EOS for Bitcoin or would you hold EOS? Thx my friend
This is the best tl;dr I could make, reduced by 75.40%
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