This sounds great. I don't have nearly the SP to join but I will definitely keep an eye on this as I grow and join when I reach 500 SP, which might be a long time lol. Keep up the good work guys, this is really cool
Posted using Partiko Android
This sounds great. I don't have nearly the SP to join but I will definitely keep an eye on this as I grow and join when I reach 500 SP, which might be a long time lol. Keep up the good work guys, this is really cool
Posted using Partiko Android
are you on the redfish power up league on my account?
No I'm not, I'm still new and haven't come across that, just came across this post is there a link you can provide to that post?
Posted using Partiko Android
leave a comment requesting to join and she will add you
Thanks @wolfhart
Posted using Partiko Android