Welcome to the Minnow Power Up League.
The Minnow Power-Up League is kindly sponsored by Steem witness @yabapmatt, and @steemmonsters! Prizes will be issued in @steemmonsters packs and STEEM - https://steemmonsters.com/
We now have 128 minnows that are growing and tracking their progress and road to dolphin-hood. We also have 21 graduates. Together this week, the league member's have powered up a total of 9,252.493 Steem Power. All participants since joining have powered up a massive 172,121.765 SP. To learn more about this minnow initiative please do have a read of our introductory post:

A big shout out a welcome to all the new league entrants this week @cyberspacegod, @xcountytravelers, @luegenbaron and @handofzara. Some of which are newly graduated from the Redfish league.
Shameless Promotion
@steemcommunity is a witness project by @paulag and @abh12345. There are many good witnesses out there and doing your research is important. I hope you will take the time to read our witness introduction post and consider us as one of your Steem witness. If you are not sure how or why to vote for a Steem witness drop a question below and we will do our best to help you.
You can vote for our witness using SteemConnect here: https://steemconnect.com/sign/account-witness-vote?witness=steemcommunity&approve=1

Do you want to join?
You can join or leave at any stage, all you must do is leave a comment below and let us know that you want in or out.
Let's Grow Together
Don’t forget we are all trying to grow so please do consider supporting the person above you and the person below you in the league by visiting their blog posts or even voting on their comments in this post.
The Minnow Power-up League
Every Thursday we will be using SteemSQL database managed by @arcange to gather details on the Owned SP for each person that has entered the league. The current weekly owned SP will be compared to the SP held last week. The person with the highest SP growth for the current week will be on top of the leader board.
There are 4 levels depending on your SP levels. Once you graduate from one, you will be automatically placed on the next. When you graduate from the 4th you will be placed on the Minnow Wall of Fame. As this post could get rather long with the 4 levels, as we grow, we may consider splitting this into different posts on different days.
Level 1

Congratulations to @hashcash being first in the league this week with a massive power up of 2361.838 SP.
In second is @islanderman and third is @yogajill. Well done the both of you!
Also in the top ten is @denmarkguy, @akomoajong, @heyimsnuffles, @nonsowrites, @viking-ventures, @homesteaderscoop and @voxmortis. Well done on the Power-ups, if you bought STEEM I hope you got a good price :-)
Graduating this week from level 1 to level 2 are @heyimsnuffles and @stever82. Congratulations & nice work to both of you.
On the home stretch in level 1 are @demondantv @torrey.blog, @tamaralovelace @mightypanda, @themanwithnoname and @lynncoyle1 you are so close to graduating from level 1, Steem on!
Level 2

There are now 23 participants on level 2, and this weeks winner is @kaerpediems with an amazing SP growth of 166.383 this week.
Congratulations also to @libert who finished in second place again this week.
On the home stretch this week from level to is @ericwilson keep going level 3 is in sight.
Level 3

@anthonyadavisii you are first in this weeks level 3 league with an SP growth of 331.334, nice!.
Also, good stuff from @for91days you are in second place, and nice work @urbangladiator you made third.
@veryspider and @gillianpearce you both graduate from level 3 to level 4. Sweet!
On the home stretch from level 3 to level 4 is @riverflows and @urbangladiator. Level 4 is in reach, go get it.
Level 4

@wolfhart you are first in level 4 league this week with amazing growth of 730.164SP. @shepz1 in second place.
@sagescrub you are on the home stretch of level 4, dolphinhood awaits you.
Wall of Fame
Welcome to the Wall of Fame. This wall is a showcase of the minnows that took part in this league and graduated to dolphin-hood. We had 1 new graduate this week. Congratulations to @jayna, finally you are a dolphin, nice work. You have been placed on our wall of fame.

This weeks prizes
Well done to @islanderman, @yogajill, @denmarkguy, @akomoajong, @heyimsnuffles, @libert, @dalz, @johndoer123, @for91days, @urbangladiator, @shepz1, and @scrawly who have all received some STEEM this week.

And congratulations to @hashcash, @kaerpediem, @anthonyadavisii, and @wolfhart for placing 1st in their respective level and picking up a pack of @steemmonsters cards. Some of the cards are worth 100's of dollars - be lucky!
That's it for this week, cheers all!
Another good week, @steemcommunity.
Well, congratulations everyone for their placings and more importantly, for the growth experienced. Well done.
And special kudos to @jayna for joining the dolphin ranks. Welcome to the Wall of Fame! The more the merrier. :)
Onward and upward.
Thanks Glen
Hopefully the latest initiative will bring more minnows to the post and in turn help them reach that lovely 5k milestone. Cheers!
Can’t wait to see this pond grow even more with the movement towards 10k!
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We are hoping to see more new faces appear on this post in the coming weeks. Thanks for your support!
Superb and thank you kindly for the steem.
Cheers @shepz1, some nice powering up from you of late :)
Wahey! That's twofold exciting! Thanks team!! I'm pushing hard to see if I can top 3500 next week. Thanks for the motivation!!
Nice one and well done on the Power-up prize this week!
Well done to all of us!
Come on all up to dolphinhood!
Peter @checohler will be next week the week I start to have look back? @jlordc you are still too far away but. Am chasing you!
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Cheers Peter, keep on going - looking forward to adding your name to the wall of fame :)
Still keeping to my original plan! Mid 2020 that is!
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Thanks for the reward! You rock :) Will support you with all of your projects.
Our pleasure, courtesy of yabapmatt. Thanks for the support!
Awesome! Almost there. Thank you so much for this project.
high five, so close to becoming a dolphin :-)
Awesome ... Thank you for this surprise!!!
Our pleasure, great job on the power up this week!
Thank you so much for you continued support and efforts!
Our pleasure and a big thank you for your support also!
Good to see everyone doing well and powering up. Thanks @steemcommunity for everything you do. You guys are an important tool for all us small accounts. Good to see @wolfhart and @shepz1 getting closer to the finish line.
thanks and you had a good increase in SP yourself.
@steemit needs to do another large selloff to keep the price down until we accumulate more SP 😊
That would be decent. That is my average every week. Just call me steady Eddie I suppose. Have a system now that I operate and it works.
that is a good system you got going then. glad you figured it out. still working on one and it never works out
Tell us more about this system? :D
I notice you regularly score will in the Curation league - CR do start to grow quite nicely as time goes on.
Lol. This is top secret. Not really and is pretty basic. All I do is put whatever daily rewards that come in onto ocdb and it builds up rather quickly and normally takes me a bout 2 weeks to get going properly. I just roll everything and that is why I know where I am score wise over a two week period. One week for current rewards coming in and knowing what is going on ocdb which pays out the following week. It is a two week cycle and that simple.
Congratulations, @wolfhart. You surpassed me like a rocket, with this move! 😂
Seems he's been loading up while the sale is on!
the 1st of the month. every 1st I buy Steem. the low price now makes it seem like a lot of fiat was invested.
the smart man would just Power Up 200-300 SP at a time (weekly) but that would be gaming the system.
average buying and constance monthly buying is the way I approached this
That's pretty honest of you and a solid and fair approach to take.
Having planned purchase days takes the emotion out of trading, or looking for the best entries which do often cloud judgement. Layering buys also reduce risk, although as it turns out, loading up in the .2's would have been ideal!
I'm gutted that i've had no choice but to do the opposite for the past 6 months, but I'm glad that you and others have seen this as a great buying opportunity.
I would have loved to buy the hell out of Steem at .2’s . But you can only do what you can with the fait you have.
We all have to work within the restrictions that are upon us and figure the best way to invest. It has been a challenge over the years.
I hope we still have time to buy more before the price gets to high
I don't know about a rocket. but I am sure you will catch up 👍😊
Can't wait to join. :)
delighted to have you join us on the minnow power up league, you will find many of the redfish graduates here
That sounds just awesome and I really want to join!
I would love you to join, I will add your name for tomorrows post. you will be starting on level 1
That is just awesome...looking forward to!
I topped a list
Jumping around like a monkey now hahaha
Thank you so much for Steem Monsters Cards ... looks like I am going to have to learn how to play😊
Congratulations to all the winners 🎉🎉
Yes you are! Well done! :D
Alright on to level two this one is going to take a while but I can do this my push is to reach dolphin by end of the year but I know I need to invest to pull that off
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you will be suprised, growth tends to speed up when you are at this level
Minnows matter!
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minnows rock #tenkminnows
This sounds great. I don't have nearly the SP to join but I will definitely keep an eye on this as I grow and join when I reach 500 SP, which might be a long time lol. Keep up the good work guys, this is really cool
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are you on the redfish power up league on my account?
No I'm not, I'm still new and haven't come across that, just came across this post is there a link you can provide to that post?
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leave a comment requesting to join and she will add you
Thanks @wolfhart
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Another great power up in the Minnow league
Congratulations to @jayna, You are a dolphin 👍 Well Done - it is nice to see the "wall of fame" growing
nice going @paulag
@heyimsnuffles and @stever82. Congratulations moving to level 2
Thank you my friend
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Here are the cards from the Steem Monster pack awarded. I will look them up later 👍
Thank you @steemcommunity
Well not quite a good as a few weeks ago, but free cards are free cards :)
I know of an account who owns 25% of all the Flesh Golams and so that would be one I'd hold onto for sure.
Like everything else a little knowledge about the subject helps.
Information is just information . The proper use of information is power. So they tell me :)
The gold card from a couple weeks ago was the same as hitting the lottery.
I will be glad to join this community. How can I start please
hi, you need to have 500+ sp for this league, please join the redfish power up league on my account
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Thank-you! What a fun surprise! Congratulations everyone. Job well done ❤
Well done for reaching the prizes this week. I seem to be typing your account in the wallet page a lot recently - good! :D
It's getting tougher to grow, I need to stop buying Steem Monster cards. 😁
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haha :)
Yeah those rather addictive cards will stunt your power-up stats, but they are hopefully a solid alternative and will rise in value on their own as time goes on.
I'm hoping. 🤞
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Thank you!
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Bravo @libert! :D
Thank you much for the welcome. We look forward to seeing where this adventure goes!
high five for joining, lets see how much you can grow
We have slowed down quite a bit since i have been pushing @heyhaveyamet. It was important though.
We have slowed down quite a bit since i have been pushing @heyhaveyamet. It was important though. New people are the future of Steem.
I love @hayhaveyamet, its worth pushing. I wonder did @simplymike see it yet - maybe you could help each other a little :-)
Hmmmm, I will touch base with her.
Ren@simplymike is one of the people who follows and used our posts. She is awesome!
I was using it too till I started this 250 new minnows in a month, now I dont have time to breath hahahha, but I will be back to it when this project is over because I found it very useful
Yep, same here. Our account suffers, but only fo a little bit. Hoping the husband sees I need him to post some things. Haha
I'm trying to follow @heyhaveyamet and check out the posts, looking for newcomers to delegate to. These last two weeks I've been a bit slow - the weather has a terrible effect on my mood and the energy I can put in. Hopefully, I will be able to pick myself up and get on it again really soon
I totally understand! The weather has beaten me up horribly and took it's toll yesterday. However, I have the windows opened and live streaming in!
This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all the latest news on the Steem blockchain.
Count me in for the next one
hay @maxbullion and welcome to the power up league, you will be starting on level 4 and the new post will be out tomorrow
I want to join in this league
hi, there is a league over on my account, the redfish power up league, your account is more suited to that one. Please do leave your name there
just graduated from the redfish league please add me to the minnow league
Where do I sign? 🤩