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RE: Bullying Doesn't Solve Anything -- Sure Says A Lot About the Bully -- Talking about you @mmmmkkkk311

in #community5 years ago

by definition when someone is using a larger stake to be 'a nuisance' through attacking people with downvotes for taking part in a program that works to retain users.. he's being a bully .. and I don't soft peddle the word

When he refuses to even learn what the program does and how it works.. or maybe lacks the intellectual capacity to do so ... he's being a bully.

Bullies often exhibit laziness in addition to cowardice.


I am not about to suggest I understand the economics of it. If you are curious, talk to Joseph.

Those are your own words.. So you're guilty of the exact same thing you accuse mk of, just from the other side of the fence.. That's kind of amusing that you're white knighting for something you admit you also don't understand..

Posted using Partiko Android

I have asked enough questions and he's been patient enough answering me to understand what I need to know. Most of my questions have been informed by the complaints by the likes of this bully. People raise concerns and I ask questions. You should try it sometimes instead of being the dick you prefer to be.

Lol, you just cannot handle any heat whatsoever.. How am I being a dick by pointing out that you said you don't get the economics of it, but the guy u don't like also doesn't get it because maybe he lacks the mental fortitude?

Also who the hell hired you to defend the honour of steem this time? As bitcoinskeptic has pointed out you're accomplishing nothing. I've seen you tell a few people on this post they don't know you, because you are this or that, bullshit! And now I'm a dick, basically always in your mind, simply because I don't cater to your whims and you can't handle the slightest bit of resistance..welcome to the internet! 🙃

Pretentious steemians like yourself that think their shit doesn't stink makes this place just as unattractive as any other clown doing whatever they choose to do with their stake.. So basically shut the fuck up you fucking twat keyboard warrior..

Insult Sources: Shakespeare

That is not very nice at all!

Thou sodden-witted lord! Thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows!

Would thou wert clean enough to spit upon!

U can also stfu

Posted using Partiko Android

A regular wordsmith, you are. Have a nice weekend.

I don't doubt he is being a nuisance and it is bad for user retention, but that doesn't make him a bully.

You are assuming he doesn't understand how SBI works. My guess is he understands it very well, and you may just have a different understanding of sbi or more likely disagreement about downvoting.

You are saying he lacks intellectual capacity, he is lazy and a coward...that isn't anyway to reach an understanding or agreement.

I bet you will justify this as standing up to a bully, rather than confront SBI, vote trading and vote subscriptions which are the real issues.

Getting downvoted sucks. But SBI is hardly proof-of-brain. Reward disagreement is a legitimate cause for downvoting someone. You don't own the rewards until post payout.

To be clear, I would also like to see him stop, but there is an obvious need for a discussion here. To dismiss it as bullying and attack him without addressing the root cause is also lazy.

I have spent considerable time on more than one occasion discussing with Joseph the so called issues and concerns that have been raised and are more than satisfied with his explanations. If that is being lazy... then so be it.

I fully expected his downvotes and had already received some. Calling him out for the bully he is being had more to do with what I'm hearing from community members and what his bully tactics are doing to their motivation on the platform than about him downvoting me.

You want to defend his bullying ... have at it ... I find birds of a feather often flock together.

I do not think you are being lazy discussing the issue with Joseph. I think you are lazy by simply dismissing MK as a dumb bully.

Let me be clear, I do not like what he is doing. I don't even think he likes what he is doing. I also do not want to just accept it. I just think we are risking his continued misbehaviour by classifying this as bullying.

You cannot bully 50% of the blockchain and that seems to be what he is targeting. He is being an asshole. We need to figure out why and what it will take to appease him. Giving up won't work whether you think he is a bully or not.

I hear no solutions here, I just hear bitching and whining. What are you going to do? Try to convince Steem to remove free downvotes or something? Try to convince MK to behave by calling him a stupid and mean idiot? It won't work.

I've never arbitrarily downvoted anyone. I don't care if people use SBI. I use SBI. I've also talked to Joseph about SBI. I just disagree with how you are handling this. I know you are frustrated and upset. But he is probably keenly aware he has most of the blockchain hating him. Fueling that isn't going to de-escalate this issue. It's just signalling to him that his actions are having the desired effect.

You know very little about me and prove that point when you make the mistake of thinking I'm 'frustrated and upset'. Unlike yourself, I don't often weigh in on what is going on on the platform. Not in a post.

Before I reach the point of doing a post, I've had plenty of conversations and have combed through plenty of posts on the topic. I've heard input from a lot of different viewpoints, have asked a lot of questions and have picked up a sense of the impact the topic is having.

He is a bully and proves the point every time he has refused to engage with and/or work with people who could work toward a solution in a civilized manner. He resorts to the caveman lets just swing the club and not care who he hits in the process.

When enough people stand up to bullies so they know their bad behaviour will not be rewarded with compliance, one of two things happens. They either climb off their bully pulpit and actually attempt to engage in a civil manner or they wander off in search of new targets.

Some bullies flail at people because they lack the ability to try more civil methods to solve a problem and some just love to be bullies. The question with this clown is which is he.

Thank the heavens you're here

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm sorry for assuming you were bothered by it. I actually don't know you so well. Most of your posts do see great though and I know quality and dedication when I see it.

I know many people who are bothered by this guy aren't just profit-seekers who see the downvotes purely as a cut into their earnings. Most of the people complaining probably are genuinely hurt and insulted. However, I still think people should take downvoting a lot less personal.

I just choose to completely ignore it and consider it a cost of trying to seek rewards from posting.

Maybe standing up to him will work and I hope it does. But I still don't think of this as bullying. I think there are other deeper issues involved.

A consensus has developed regarding what is the right and what is the wrong behaviour on Steem. His behaviour is clearly wrong according to that consensus.

Without a centralized authority, maintaining balance will never be easy. There are some deep rifts on Steem. Some people want full out vote-buying to come back. Others don't like this grey area.

If I had to guess. He is the clown who won't find a new target (his net is already so wide). He wants free downvotes gone and perhaps vote-buying to come back (you mentioned he owned a bot).

Maybe standing up to him will work and I hope it does. But I still don't think of this as bullying. I think there are other deeper issues involved.

My experience with bully behaviour is that standing up to it doesn't always stop the bully but it does encourage others to also stand firm rather than feeling they are alone and need to give in.

Spoken like a true shitbird

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