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RE: My latest venture on discord the truth-channel is born.

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Is there some kind of checklist for people to do a self check to see if they are still 'clean' / unaffected by the Global Engagement Center?

There is so much bullshit out there that it is not easy to steer clear of it.

I like to tell stories like the shit stream media does.
How the weapon industy destroys us with 'protection'

In a way I put my pants on fire to shine a light on the bullshit.

The truth will set us free if we manage to filter out the bullshit.

What worries me is the dragnet surveillance / filternet that our propaganda machine government is building.


You get an auto invite, you know that already, and to test yourself - spend 1 hour watching the bbc and 10 minutes watching cnn, if you believe a word of it seek immediate medical attention. :-)

LOL 5 minutes of CNN and I'l all ready need CPR. The very meaning of CNN is a lie, as it is no news whatsoever.