This will be invite only, and only the truth may be spoken.
Having had enough of the lamestream media, I have decided my next project will be close to my heart, and concentrate on something very dear to me, selfish? much, so onwards we go.
I have listened to the term "conspiracy theorist" banded about by people more and more over the last 10 years, so much so that when someone calls me a conspiracy theorist I now say "thank you" as to me it equals "critical thinker" & "able to see through the lies" - the spin doctors go overtime trying to discredit anyone that wants to tell the truth, so much so that governments even have dis-info trolls on social media. here
If you feel you have something of value to add to the channel then please let me know and I will add you to it, I will have some stipulations or rules though outlined below.
- When you are in the room you will comment every so often and not just sit dormant everyday listening to everyone else.
- You will bring something to the table, some ideas, some fresh views, not mainstream media junk.
- We will be aiming to support each other and that would also be required, to share the love and vote on each others posts, not every day, but sometimes, when you like a post.
- Be committed to commenting on other peoples work, and answering comments on your work, from people within the group, this maintains relationships.
- Commit to sharing at least one other members posts per week via resteem, any post that tickles your fancy, after all we are trying to help each other
And that is all the rules there are, you can come in with anything you think is the truth, no matter how off the chart it is.
Leave them below
This is going to be my passion, I am going to put my soul into this, and my time, a lot of it in fact, time to get the "TRUTH ON" around here.
I look forward to some late nights and superb discussions, do YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES?
Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates
images courtesy of pixabay
This is great! Hope to learn more truth through this new community!!!
You know you are getting an invite my friend, that is 100% assured. :-)
Thanks @deliberator i am looking forward to joining in
Awesome news. I have a load of stuff to bring to the truth channel, but I'm not ready to be actively engaging yet.
Let me know when you want in, and you will for sure be invited my friend.
Thanks! Happy Sunday.
You know I'm big on everything truther related! I hope I can bring something to the table! :-D
And you know you are invited 100% for sure. :-)
That might be one discord channel I wouldn't mind spending time in.
Then I may just have to send sir the invite soon.
I'd love to contribute. Let me know where I can fit in best and I'll get to work.
Your invite will be along shortly, after a review of your current articles, thank you for the application.
Thanks, I have alot of respect for your work and appreciate it
Is there some kind of checklist for people to do a self check to see if they are still 'clean' / unaffected by the Global Engagement Center?
There is so much bullshit out there that it is not easy to steer clear of it.
I like to tell stories like the shit stream media does.
How the weapon industy destroys us with 'protection'
In a way I put my pants on fire to shine a light on the bullshit.
The truth will set us free if we manage to filter out the bullshit.
What worries me is the dragnet surveillance / filternet that our
propaganda machinegovernment is building.You get an auto invite, you know that already, and to test yourself - spend 1 hour watching the bbc and 10 minutes watching cnn, if you believe a word of it seek immediate medical attention. :-)
LOL 5 minutes of CNN and I'l all ready need CPR. The very meaning of CNN is a lie, as it is no news whatsoever.
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Thanks guys, I never expected that without using the informationwar tag, most appreciated.
I want an invite please...