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RE: Why So Many People Fear Freemasonry - Lets Get Real

There is a huge problem here:

With any large pyramidical organization, sociopaths and narcissists rise to the top. Thus, what may have been started for good, is now absolutely corrupt the higher you go.

Freemasons also have to swear many oaths to not share their information that they learn in the organization. At one time it was necessary to hide the knowledge because of persecution, but now it is a time to release the information to all the people.

Freemasons also have different levels where they teach different things. Often these things are about the same thing. So, basically lying to the initiates. (and to the middle levels too).

Until freemasons actively start to release the information they have, stop being secretive and stop playing games with knowledge, they may do all kinds good in the world, but I will not associate with them.


When a child is in a room about to stick something in the electrical socket, even though its plastic, you still tell them to stay way. You may say something like "boogyman is in there and he will hurt you". You dont have time to explain, and neither does the small child have the ability to understand how electricity works, and that plastic is fine. You just tell them to stay the hell away.

This is a perfect example of the kind of lie that is for the better good.

Most of humanity spends the majority of their time in trivial puruits, uninterested in knowing how the world really works. They have to work 8 hours to earn a living, and spend the rest of their time watching TV, playing video games and things like that. We are infants when it comes to true knowledge. There is a hierarchy when it comes to discovering the most supreme truths of our existence, and only those who swear oaths, who will suffer for truth and are dedicated should be worthy.

The truth is dangerous for those not prepared to comprehend it.

I understand that we dont like being lied to. We insist on the truth, but trust me, the vast majority of mankind are not ready. You have to earn these truths.

“Fictions are necessary for the people, and the Truth becomes deadly to those who are not strong enough to contemplate it in all its brilliance. In fact, what can there be in common between the vile multitude and sublime wisdom? The Truth must be kept secret, and the masses need a teaching proportioned to their imperfect reason.”
~ Albert Pike

Logic and reason were something the founders held in high regard, authoring many books to teach their subjects in this area. They wanted to enlighten America. The problem shouldnt be with Masons, because the teachings are nothing but helpful.

People want to attribute all of our modern evils to them just because some powerful men who are associated with Masonry seem to be part of those evils. But this is ignorant.

Until you can prove ill in the actual teachings themselves, there is no basis for associating Masonic wisdom with modern evil.

Knowledge is power, and just because powerful people SOMETIMES do evil, that doesnt make their well of knowledge evil.

And remember that just because children think something is evil, like their parents for making certain rules, it doesnt mean that the parents dont know what they are doing. Children rebel too often against things that they dont understand, done for their better good.

Yep, exactly the reply I expected.
And none of it holds water.

If what you said held any truth, then the first level of people would be told A. Then the next A+B. Instead it is often 1st A. 2nd notA, B. 3rd notA and notB, C.

Until the freemasons purge their organization of sociopaths and narcissists, I will not support them in any way.

That would make sense if the Freemasons were in control of everything inside and OUTSIDE of their organization, but they are not. No one is in control of the outside. Its a free-for-all, with many ideologies trying to rule.

Again, Freemasons dont rule the world. Maybe some prominent ones have some influence, but you cant blame mankinds biggest issues on their ideology, when you cant even find anywhere in the ideology where it says to do wrong to to others.

Freemasons do in fact rule the world. Please, you speak of knowledge, you have basically nothing correct. NO wonder you crave knowledge, you don't know shit.

You're deceived. The path of the illuminated is a dead end. The knowledge known via that path has a limit.. plus honestly, the knowledge is already well exposed and available without the creepy cult. You're walking down a dead end, without a flashlight.

"If what you said had any truth".....

I said a lot. You have to learn how to debate properly. Isolate a specific and argue against it with logic and reason. Lumping all of what I wrote as one thought is stupid.

Will freemasons miss your support?
What are you. what is your position they should bow to your requests.
Immagine the space if you did the same at Capital hill.

When you hit the 33rd degree, they make you swear your soul to Lucifer.

Because Youtube said so right?

When you went to school in the first hear you learns numbers, and simple pluus and minus, if the teacher had started on cacullas you would be confused. Infpormatin is spread when you are ready to receive it.
To find the real answers ask a mason, here there is very little that you cant be told, if you ask.


You believe that I do not know of which I speak? Fool is you.

When you went to school in the first year, you learned numbers.
You did not go to school in your second year to learn the numbers you learned last year were wrong, and now we use a different numbers. However, the masons do.

And, I could teach calculus to a child. It is very easy. However, I never would because it is wrong.

I know you dont know what you think you know. After you have been a fremason for twenty to thirty years, then come back
Please dont quote odballs like Pike, ,get into some of the english multi volume tombs,
Remember it came to USA in time to write the foumnding document

Sorry, you are wrong in every one of your assumptions in your reply.
You ad hominums do not bode well for you being a good source of information to challenge my views on my personal observations.