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RE: Why So Many People Fear Freemasonry - Lets Get Real

in #conspiracy8 years ago

When you went to school in the first hear you learns numbers, and simple pluus and minus, if the teacher had started on cacullas you would be confused. Infpormatin is spread when you are ready to receive it.
To find the real answers ask a mason, here there is very little that you cant be told, if you ask.



You believe that I do not know of which I speak? Fool is you.

When you went to school in the first year, you learned numbers.
You did not go to school in your second year to learn the numbers you learned last year were wrong, and now we use a different numbers. However, the masons do.

And, I could teach calculus to a child. It is very easy. However, I never would because it is wrong.

I know you dont know what you think you know. After you have been a fremason for twenty to thirty years, then come back
Please dont quote odballs like Pike, ,get into some of the english multi volume tombs,
Remember it came to USA in time to write the foumnding document

Sorry, you are wrong in every one of your assumptions in your reply.
You ad hominums do not bode well for you being a good source of information to challenge my views on my personal observations.