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RE: You are SPINNING at 1,000 MPH??? Earth is Flat and Immovable!

in #conspiracy6 years ago (edited)

I understand where you coming from.
I'm not here to troll.
Here is what I know. Engineering, science and a bit of chemistry.
You calculations is base on an assumption.
Mine too, but I do have some practical physical evidence to back me up.
I don't think the Earth is enclosed. My physical Evidence proves it isn't.
I don't have any evidence of the Earth being in a closed system.
So how do I come up to my conclusion if it isn't closed?
The answer is practical - resistance.
To elaborate on this matter, I will say there is no evidence of gas particles after you get to a certain height. Therefore, nothing can force the smoke to move.
The trains smoke is being pushed back by air particles, so there is a resisting force acting on it. If the smoke is moving up, what resistant force is outside of the Earth atmosphere that can move anything?
Unless you assume that there is air outside of our atmosphere, which I can give you physical evidence that there is nothing there.