You are SPINNING at 1,000 MPH??? Earth is Flat and Immovable!

in #conspiracy6 years ago

Think For Yourself


THINK. They TOLD you at 5 or 6 years old the earth spins and proved it to you by showing you a globe. as the years went by you saw that globe in the movies, on T.V. and and learned more from the kind people at NASA. If you were asked how you KNOW you are living on a ball "spinning 1,000 mph at the equator", "orbiting the sun at 66,000 mph", while the sun "travels at 500,000 mph" how would you KNOW as a FACT on your own?

We were almost all brainwashed from school indoctrination centers, to movies and tel LIE Vision made by the CIA, to NASA scum LIARS you name it. Time to wakey wakey. START with Eric Dubay - History of the Flat Earth below on youtube.



@daznez , this smoke story proves nothing. It can be debunked by people like me.

I can say that the only argument for flat earth that i cant debunk is water because its surface doesn't bend.
The other main argument is that nobody circled the earth from north to south.
The rest of it, i can debunk like the movement of the sun or anything else.
Is the earth flat or round? i don't have concrete proof to back up my story.

What i know:
All i know is they hiding something because nobody is allowed there.(in the arctic)
And we can Not travel into in space.
(humans are probably band from space travel because they such assholes)

@zoomtruth , don't believe any youtuber, they only after money and views and water doesn't bend.
This is why im on steemit. We must replace all these youtubers because we know who is there boss, i hope you start livestreaming one day.
I hope dtube becomes big and replaces youtube one day.

I agree with your thoughts on and there are people with agendas on youtube. BUT, I do not JUST believe things, I contemplate them and then learn the subject more. Perspective is VERY important for understanding the sun. I need to start livestreaming soon, I am working on getting my house in NJ fixed up so I can move to florida, (I HATE cold winters now, I think they are UNHEALTHY), BUT that is just an excuse. I also do not want to produce trash videos, I want to add to the subject of truth, and not just bring up ideas, thats why rght now I just keep saying the same ideas here on steemit, I just want someone to accidently read it and then ivestigate it for themselves, not sure if that is likely though.....

Really like hearing your thoughts coach! You SAVED my TOOTH too! Stlll no pain, freaking AWESOME! I do not want to ever go to a normal dentist again, I am going to find a natural dentist from now on, although I am eating so healthy I think I should be good!

light up a smoke inside a train while all the windows are closed while the train is moving at 100mph, or just spill some water on the floor

are you saying earth is enclosed like a train then?

I understand where you coming from.
I'm not here to troll.
Here is what I know. Engineering, science and a bit of chemistry.
You calculations is base on an assumption.
Mine too, but I do have some practical physical evidence to back me up.
I don't think the Earth is enclosed. My physical Evidence proves it isn't.
I don't have any evidence of the Earth being in a closed system.
So how do I come up to my conclusion if it isn't closed?
The answer is practical - resistance.
To elaborate on this matter, I will say there is no evidence of gas particles after you get to a certain height. Therefore, nothing can force the smoke to move.
The trains smoke is being pushed back by air particles, so there is a resisting force acting on it. If the smoke is moving up, what resistant force is outside of the Earth atmosphere that can move anything?
Unless you assume that there is air outside of our atmosphere, which I can give you physical evidence that there is nothing there.

What if I told you it only seems flat because of the secret the elite don't want you to know but simply put we're not spinning around the sun were trailing the sun and spinning the sun is always ahead of us cuz it's also moving we spin behind it in a circle look this shit up the science they spew is garbage you have to look deeper brothers everything else is a psyop

Lots of evidence makes me think flat, starting with water, it always finds its level. I believe there is a dome over us , crazy stuff, but what you said is pretty much on point to me , they fed us ALL LIES I believe.

Does water always find it's level? If so then why are dewdrops round and not flattened out? Because it's own gravity forms a "globe" shape. Any object in zero gravity form a globe because of it's own gravity.
If you threw a bunch of water out in space guess what shape it would form. Not all splattered out flat that's for sure.

You must be a scientist to know these type of things.
What do you do for a living?

Surface tension of the water molecules

@darkpurplelight - when you put dishwasher into water, it breaks the water surface tension, leaving water flat again
the ratio that you are talking about would not keep any small object together because it needs a relatively high mass in order for it to have a little pull.
In other words, droplets are way to light

Then why are droplets round and not all flat and splattered out?

Same reason the Earth is round!

This is just my thought but I think the title says it all we're moving so fast through space right the sun basically a gigantic ball of energy hurling through time and were this ball of matter trailing behind it caught in not gravity but in the drift so we're spinning around the drift following the sun but were spinning so fast that if you were to look from afar we would be flat like when you spin something really fast it seems to expand probably way wrong though lol

@motuproprio Thats crazier than FLAT EARTH! LOL

this is just the non sense cgi fed to you by nassim harramein in THAT animation.
we're not moving, that's an idea in your head. use your God-given senses instead, and open your eyes for the first time, like neo. peace.

You would know it as a fact, if you were interested in such things, by doing a little research on the subject. And you would say, "Yup, the centuries of observations and data are indeed correct. We live on a planet circling a star."

For centuries STARTING with the Bible Earth was known to be FLAT Bro. Wake up, you a brainwashed zombie.

And yet another reason not to trust your local bible...

LOL, the Bible talks extensively about men being deceivers. I don't trust people in GENERAL, but you go ahead and trust men lol. I was an atheist until last year , I am 46 years old so I know where you comin from.

So you believe that the bible tells you the earth is flat when that is demonstrably wrong. And you don't trust men who tell you the truth that the earth isn't flat.

Keep away from that religion stuff, it scrambles your brain.

if it was DEMONSTRABLY wrong, you would easily be able to demonstrate it to us. go ahead.

in the meantime, you're not listening to what he's saying. he was an atheist until a year ago. then he realised the earth was a fixed plane, then he realised the bible says this too. many bible-believers deny this, and also believe in the spinning ball heliocentric vast universe theory.
final question: ever been to 'space' and seen the ball earth with your own senses?

Look up in the sky. Watch the sun. It moves across the sky in a straight line. Every day. Every time. This CANNOT happen on a flat earth with the sun circling above us. On a flat earth, we would perceive the sun describing a half circle above you and then disappearing because of ...reasons everyday. There would be no place to stand on a flat earth and observe the sun moving in a straight line. So the earth cannot be a flat plane.

Yes, he found that the bible agrees with his erroneous idea. And I said it was one more reason to stay away from the bible.

No, I haven't been to space. It is very very hard to meet the requirements to go to space. It would be thousands of times easier for me to play in the NBA. And that ain't gonna happen! :-)

On the other hand, we have sent many many cameras and other sensory equipment into space since it is so dangerous to send humans up there. We have THOUSANDS of satellites orbiting the earth. And each one is a proof that the earth is a sphere. Spacex will be sending up over 10,000 satellites into orbit for its Starlink business by 2020.

final question: have you ever built your own computer and internet with your own senses?