
LOL, the Bible talks extensively about men being deceivers. I don't trust people in GENERAL, but you go ahead and trust men lol. I was an atheist until last year , I am 46 years old so I know where you comin from.

So you believe that the bible tells you the earth is flat when that is demonstrably wrong. And you don't trust men who tell you the truth that the earth isn't flat.

Keep away from that religion stuff, it scrambles your brain.

if it was DEMONSTRABLY wrong, you would easily be able to demonstrate it to us. go ahead.

in the meantime, you're not listening to what he's saying. he was an atheist until a year ago. then he realised the earth was a fixed plane, then he realised the bible says this too. many bible-believers deny this, and also believe in the spinning ball heliocentric vast universe theory.
final question: ever been to 'space' and seen the ball earth with your own senses?

Look up in the sky. Watch the sun. It moves across the sky in a straight line. Every day. Every time. This CANNOT happen on a flat earth with the sun circling above us. On a flat earth, we would perceive the sun describing a half circle above you and then disappearing because of ...reasons everyday. There would be no place to stand on a flat earth and observe the sun moving in a straight line. So the earth cannot be a flat plane.

Yes, he found that the bible agrees with his erroneous idea. And I said it was one more reason to stay away from the bible.

No, I haven't been to space. It is very very hard to meet the requirements to go to space. It would be thousands of times easier for me to play in the NBA. And that ain't gonna happen! :-)

On the other hand, we have sent many many cameras and other sensory equipment into space since it is so dangerous to send humans up there. We have THOUSANDS of satellites orbiting the earth. And each one is a proof that the earth is a sphere. Spacex will be sending up over 10,000 satellites into orbit for its Starlink business by 2020.

final question: have you ever built your own computer and internet with your own senses?

'Look up in the sky. Watch the sun. It moves across the sky in a straight line. Every day. Every time. '

thank you for proving my point. the sun moves, the earth is still.

as for the rest of your comment, sorry, i don't subscribe to that equally ludicrous pizza pan circle ice wall model either.

before you ask, i don't know, but it's neither of those. i'll take the observable evidence, and go with whatever fits it all, which no one has figured out yet.

you know it's okay to say we don't know, right?


So tell me, how does the sun move in a straight line while it circles above the flat earth?

okay, this is the last time i will reply to you because you are clearly incapable of reading what the other person writes and adjusting your mental viewpoint accordingly, like 95% of people on the internet.

also, your 'wow' and silly picture indicate ridiculous condescension where it is clearly misplaced.

to repeat myself unnecessarily, i do not subscribe to the circle model of flat earth, nor to the circling sun it necessitates - it is not observed reality, just like the 1038mph+67,000mph+480,000 mph rotating, orbiting, flying earth.

clear now? good. bye.