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RE: Is medical marijuana what we think it is?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

Hi there, @herrleeb, make sure to only buy organic from a company you really research and who can provide certified organic proof. Now that marijuana is becoming a mono-cropped form of farming, the pesticides, even ones deemed permissible in "organic" farming, are extremely toxic. This is always the case when farming "goes big." Your better off going with a small grower who's been hybridizing her/himself for a couple decades to achieve medical-grade quality in their plants. And, yes, to the vaporizer. But make sure it is glass and made with high quality materials bc even those are proving toxic when they are cheap and made with toxic cheap metals.


Thank you! You just confirmed my concerns. Ideally I'd like to find something completely wild and natural, not from a professional grower at all. Not sure if I can get this LEGALLY here in Los Angeles...