Is medical marijuana what we think it is?

in #conspiracy7 years ago

I recently purchased medical marijuana.
However, I am not able to smoke it. It makes me cough violently, it is as if my body fights it with all his strength.

I smoke cigarettes, no problem. And even though I never was a recreational user, I did smoke some weed back in the days and never had any problems.

It makes me wonder...

Could it be that the new, improved and legal marijuana has, lets say, some properties removed and some added? It IS genetically modified I assume...

I'd appreciate any thoughts about this subject...


Try it with a vaporizer. Much more gentle and clean feeling. Hopefully only modified thru natural selection. Now pass it over here... :D cough.. cough...

Thanks, I will try. Still not sure if the stuff is not actually BAD in the first place.

I believe in California you can grow your own medicinal plants indoors. One way to insure the provenance of the weed would be to grow it for yourself. Definitely less expensive that way. More fun too! I think it is always nice to be able to say, “I made this.” Everything tastes better if you grow it yourself!

Thanks buddy! Maybe you can talk me into becoming a gardener in my old days. What about poppy seeds? Or are they exclusively reserved for the CIA? 🙂

Hmmm. Deffo be careful of government marijuana. You know what they did to your food and water! Find a nice local, organic grower and get some proper stuff. A bong might help. I sometimes make medibles. There are loadsa youtube vids on how to extract the oil which can then be used for cooking. I made chocolate. Easy on the dose though. My last batch made me couch-bound for about 8 hours hahahah.

LOL. Yes I also have a cookie, that works better. It just baffled me that it makes me cough so hard, but I already found a possible explanation, might have something to do with my excessive smoking of cigarettes. My lungs are already shut, my breathing capacity under 30%. Still, I'd rather smoke natural weed and not Monsanto Frankenstein shit 🙂

wow there's a hellish thought -- Monsanto MJ :S

Sorry to hear about your lungs. My mum's got COPD after a lifetime of smoking. She quit ciggies and is now using a vape e-ciggie now. It's helped a bit but they say the damage is irreversible.

Wanted to ask you whether you fancy joining the Berserkers? It's a network of people who are smashing it on steemit. You always write really thoughtful content every day and that's one of the rules -- daily blog post. You'd do that easily.

They're into self improvement, keeping the brain in peak condition (and the body too -- I just do a daily walk with the dogs which is what I can handle right now) and go into the chat daily to inspire, talk, chew the fat, motivate, enlighten, etc.

Phil is the owner there. He takes no prisoners, is very straight talking and shares many of your ideas about things... such as the issue you were flagged for. It'd be great to see you in there if you fancy it.

here's the link

I am flattered! Do you think I am smart enough for this group? I am just a dumb actor with too much anger piled up and apparently a way too big mouth for his own good 🙂

Just checked your link. I will have to learn the ropes on discord before I raise havoc there!
I follow already a few channels, but somehow I am a bit overwhelmed by it... Don't forget I am an old fart with a LOT of fluoride in his aging 2 braincells 🙂

hahah old fart. You're fierce, opinionated and you don't believe the bullshit everyone's eating. Hell yeah, you're smart. Discord takes a bit of getting used to. I totally humiliated myself in there today. Still learning how to do things.

You should do a post about your acting. That'd be cool.

Well, acting is a thing of the past. I still go out on auditions occasionally, mostly for commercials to pay the bills, but I have lost the love for it. I do not want to participate in the game anymore.
I am still enough of a hypocrite to take a job once in a while, purely out of economic reasons, but knowing the agendas and who is behind it makes me feel pretty lousy about it. But as you know, I have to be careful with any comment I make here. Don't want to get you on the radar of certain people as well 🙂

Having to do stuff we don't like for people we don't like... sounds like the majority of adults lol.

Yeah, it blows having to look both ways before typing anything. It'll blow over. Hopefully.

Hi there, @herrleeb, make sure to only buy organic from a company you really research and who can provide certified organic proof. Now that marijuana is becoming a mono-cropped form of farming, the pesticides, even ones deemed permissible in "organic" farming, are extremely toxic. This is always the case when farming "goes big." Your better off going with a small grower who's been hybridizing her/himself for a couple decades to achieve medical-grade quality in their plants. And, yes, to the vaporizer. But make sure it is glass and made with high quality materials bc even those are proving toxic when they are cheap and made with toxic cheap metals.

Thank you! You just confirmed my concerns. Ideally I'd like to find something completely wild and natural, not from a professional grower at all. Not sure if I can get this LEGALLY here in Los Angeles...

There are lots of hybrids now, so it could just be a mixture of things. You could try using it as an edible and see if you have an adverse reaction. Any idea what strain it was that you got?

Yes, thanks, the edible works. Still makes me wonder...why are they promoting it now? If it was good for us, it would be illegal. Monsanto being involved in this business is scary 🙂

Monsanto being involved in anything is scary :)

Yup. Everything they touch is essentially TOXIC.

Yes, I think if youa re getting from a trusted source, it should be safe to ingest/smoke.

However, some strains are more harsh than others, nmot to mention how you smoke it. It is probably best to vaporize or eat, but if you smoke, use a glass waterpipe with ice, and organic matches not butane, and dont take too big of a drawl.

I have read though, people showing up in ER after smoking pot (not from dispensary) that was laced with some shit.

It also could be the compounded effects of smoking tobacco and pot. If you havent tried yet, and you smoke, roll a spliff, 50/50 or 70/30 split of pot/tobacco. V enjoyable.

Yes, I've tried a spliff. But even a MINIMAL amount- less than 20% - already is not smokeable for me.
I am bummed and suspicious. Maybe I try smoking it with a tin foil hat on 🙂

Wow, that is surprising, I havent heard anything like that. Your toking days might be over my friend! Maybe if you can find some panama red and try that out? LOL honestly Id always prefer hashish with my spliffs. I'd take hash over regular pot anyday.

YES! I am European. Hashish was my favorite back in the days as well. And you are wild days are probably over. Will have to kill myself with plain cigarettes 🙂

We've all got our poisons. I have young lungs and had to quit smoking cigs because it just about killed me, but pot never bothered me too much. All the best my dude.

EDIT: Also checked out your shoes, those are very beautiful. Nice work

Thank you so much, very kind of you!

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It is not about the money, but it might be better if the best gets something instead of everybody nothing.
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Unfortunately at this time my voting weight is so low, that I could upvote maybe 10 posts with a reward of 0.01 once I am back at 100% power.
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