Yes, I've tried a spliff. But even a MINIMAL amount- less than 20% - already is not smokeable for me.
I am bummed and suspicious. Maybe I try smoking it with a tin foil hat on 🙂
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Yes, I've tried a spliff. But even a MINIMAL amount- less than 20% - already is not smokeable for me.
I am bummed and suspicious. Maybe I try smoking it with a tin foil hat on 🙂
Wow, that is surprising, I havent heard anything like that. Your toking days might be over my friend! Maybe if you can find some panama red and try that out? LOL honestly Id always prefer hashish with my spliffs. I'd take hash over regular pot anyday.
YES! I am European. Hashish was my favorite back in the days as well. And you are wild days are probably over. Will have to kill myself with plain cigarettes 🙂
We've all got our poisons. I have young lungs and had to quit smoking cigs because it just about killed me, but pot never bothered me too much. All the best my dude.
EDIT: Also checked out your shoes, those are very beautiful. Nice work
Thank you so much, very kind of you!
To all my friends:
Please note that my strategy of upvoting all posts I liked resulted in a severe decrease of voting power.
I have changed my mind on this subject. I will have to hold any upvotes until I have gained back enough voting power to actually be able to give a reward with my vote.
It is not about the money, but it might be better if the best gets something instead of everybody nothing.
I think people should get some reward for excellent contributions, even if the amount is negligible.
Unfortunately at this time my voting weight is so low, that I could upvote maybe 10 posts with a reward of 0.01 once I am back at 100% power.
Which is about 10% of the posts I would actually LOVE to upvote because I like them and agree with them.
Thanks for understanding. If you have a different view on this subject, please let me know and I will gladly give you a zero value upvote.🙂