To be fair Buzz Aldrin also said he saw UFOs while he was up there too. All the space program is totally real, I saw an Atlas 5 launch last spring from off the coast of Cape Canaveral, that shit is beyond amazing. My GPS works great and so does satellite TV so clearly there are satellites. The company that makes all the space suits is right up the street from me. I grew up in a town whose claim to fame was that the rope factory made the recovery ropes for the space capsules. If you read Goddard's work it's not hard to wonder why it took so long to get to the moon, he could have gotten us there decades sooner. The guy in the last video doesn't even know how to say "augmented" right!
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haha! Now don't be too hard on him just because he can't say his words right ;)
I do see all your points and prior to watching endless hours of conspiracy films (for the last ten years!) I would have been right there with you. Today however, I know there is an alternate hypothesis to all the points you raise.
So the only question remains... which side of the fence do I stand? This is a tough one when both realities are very pleasing to me :)
I would love to believe they faked the whole thing so whenever I find someone saying it I try to see if they are right and so far I am always disappointed, never a smoking gun. I have been to Cape Canaveral multiple times, and the national air and space museum and I actually saw an Atlas 5 launch from off Cape Canaveral last year. The launch is nothing short of awe inspiring, if you see one your doubts will be gone, it is hard to describe. I would suggest reading about Goddard, even just read his Wikipedia, or better yet read this paper and then consider that he wrote it in 1919
I have seen his prototypes and some of his instruments and inventions and drive by one of his launch sites all the time.
if you watch satellite tv the signals break up and go all blocky and twitchy all the time so of course there is plenty of that in broadcasts from the space station, if the space station was a movie set or video game 3d augmented or agUmented (like listening to GW Bush discuss nucUler weapons!) reality then the space station wouldn't be such a dump, there would not be all the crap everywhere and cramped spaces and dirty windows.