Has anyone else seen this footage in which Buzz clearly states "we didn't go there"?
I have transcripted the dialogue below of the interview (by an 8 year old girl)
Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?
That's not an eight year old's question.
(The cameraman laughs - probably the little girl's father)
That's my question.
I want to know.
But I think I know.
Because we didn't go there.
And that's the way it happened.
And if it didn't happen, it's nice to know why it didn't happen.
So in the future if we want to keep doing something we need to know why something stopped in the past, when we wanted to keep it going.
What do you make of this?
To me it sounds like he is telling this little girl he didn't go to the moon and he would like to know the reason way.
I will be the first to admit I love a good conspiracy theory and the moon landing hoax is up there with the best of them, so while this interview is far from proof it is certainly an interesting twist in the tale.
If the moon landing is a hoax, is the ISS a hoax too?
Last week I watched a cracking film on how they might be faking the very convincing ISS astronaut footage in which they are floating around in long uninterrupted shots whilst interacting with items which are clearly suspended in weightlessness.
It was claimed in the past these weightless interviews were conducted in zero G planes but the length of the unedited shots these days means this simply cannot be the case.
Check out any part of the film below and I think you will agree it is convincing stuff.
As a filmmaker I have some experience with special effects and felt sure they couldn't be faking this while broadcasting live... until I stumbled upon this film.
I suggest you watch all of it and let me know what you think.
...because now my friends I am just darn right confused again!
The man is a little over excited but he does make some good points.
Answer me this:
Why would NASA employ Telemetrics, a company which specialises in live broadcast special effects?
Contact lenses which permit the actors to interact with a computer generated 3D environment makes a lot of sense to me, especially given the glitches pointed out in the above film.
So, I would be very interested to hear some other people's thoughts now...
People. We are in the matrix. Take the red pill.
Agreed dear friend. Eat it and seek all truths for yourself.
Awareness of the matrix is there. Now I am just stuck on describing it...
if i could upvote this one 100,000 times i would. this video is gold. anyone who says he was lying, or was delirious, or senile, or whatever, really just needs to look into the moon "landings". no crater from the rocket, no dust on the lander's feet, an astronaut gets hoisted up by wires when he tips over, the footprints don't match their boot tread, the rover magically got there (carried how?), the craft has no compression/decompression chamber for their spacewalks, a huge hollywood set with huge models and moon paintings with camera tracks, lack of proper heat shields, the crafts are literally covered in construction paper, even the flag starts blowing in the wind in one of their vids, nevermind the van allen radiation belts hoax. oh, and don't even get me started on the thermosphere..!
I see you are familiar with this subject already ;)
Where are you at on flat earth?
I will understand if you prefer to respond to me privately on steem.chat! I've noticed how this particular subject doesn't seem to go down so well in this community.
Once per week we have an "off-topic sunday" in our crypto/agorism group on telegram. There's a few hundred of us "crazies" in there now:
why would there be a crater? The dust on the moon is statically charged so it acts a little funny. For EVA they would have to decompress and recompress the whole cabin. Heat shield technology was invented decades before by Goddard.
You seem to have a great knowledge of this? I'm impressed!
I've had an interest in fake moon landing theories since I was a teen, I have not found a reallygood one yet.
This is great! You are the perfect person to pepper up my propositions with verifiable knowledge :)
I went to a summer camp with a class on conspiracy theories, we tried to test various psychic phenomena and went on a field trip to the city to create some mass hallucinations and such. And we watched some fake moon landing videos and analyzed them.
How the rover got there:
Well responded my friend. They do indeed have pictures of how the system was proposed to work... which one would expect really. It wouldn't be a very good hoax if they didn't ;)
It just seems like a hoax would be harder, going to the moon is not that hard, just expensive and mostly pointless. They went up there and drove around and played golf and took pictures and waxed philosophic, what's left?
Watching the space station video was cool, it's very much like a jetliner that we have all ridden on and safely carry millions of people aloft at 35,000 feet every day.
I've looked at a lot of NASA's own official footage of a lot of stuff. I DO NOT believe anything they say about anything. I spent about half a year trying to figure out what is above us EXACTLY. And I'm convinced NASA either doesn't have a clue, or they tell us what they deem acceptable and lie and tell half-truths about the rest. Interesting his comments in this one. But after seeing the size of the Earth from the moons surface "as it was" in the 1969 moon mission(it was tiny)and now seeing it today from a million miles BEHIND the moon, I know it's up to us to find the real truths. Here are two pictures to compare for your self. First being from the moons surface in 1969. The second is from the last few years. BOTH ARE FROM NASA'S WEBSITE. I will include links.
Source Nasa
Source also Nasa
....to me it just doesn't add up...regardless of how anyone trys to explain it. And there's just so much more. Thanks for pointing out yet another fork in their tongue. ☺️Hope you have a wonderful week friend.
That's crazy to see. I really don't know how someone could try to explain this one. Down with NASA. Waste of tax payer dollars in my eyes. 👍
People will always see the world the way they want to see the world. Believe it is round and we will constantly find evidence it is round. Believe it is flat and we will constantly find evidence it is flat.
In the end, the only thing which really matters is enjoying the ride!
Best not to take life too seriously ;)
so the earth looks tiny when standing on the moon and the moon is smaller than the earth, so what? If they zoomed in more on the first picture the earth would appear bigger in it.
My point is, simply, the moon is 250,000 miles away from Earth. So in the first picture, how many landmasses can you identify? In the second picture, taken a MILLION miles away, I can clearly see America.(And it looks pretty big.) Probably just the camera though, right? Hope your day was enjoyable.
for starters the camera from 2015 is going to be way better than one from the late 60s yeah, you don't think so? I lost a lot of definition when I blew it up on Paint and I can still see a continent despite it being a cloudy day when the first photo was taken, top and to the left, you don't see that?
Dear brother, we simply live in different realiities. I wish yours to be as lovely and enjoyable as mine is. I hope to see you around friend.
mine is pretty magical.
I had a think about these images and while at first this may seem like a good argument I am not so sure it is. Standing on the surface of the moon one could make the earth appear any size they want by zooming in or out.
Don't get me wrong... I am pretty certain the moon landing was faked, just not sure this is the best evidence.
One of my personal favourites is the film showing the first astronauts creating the shape of the earth in the window of their craft prior to an interview.
I have saw that one too. It's everything combined together that I came along during my research that made it non-believable. I get what your saying. I used to know the camera specs from both cameras. But after settling my mind that nasa is full of lies my mind has replaced a lot of that information, with knowledge that actually matters. I wish you the very best of days. And I hope your family is doing wonderful.
To be fair Buzz Aldrin also said he saw UFOs while he was up there too. All the space program is totally real, I saw an Atlas 5 launch last spring from off the coast of Cape Canaveral, that shit is beyond amazing. My GPS works great and so does satellite TV so clearly there are satellites. The company that makes all the space suits is right up the street from me. I grew up in a town whose claim to fame was that the rope factory made the recovery ropes for the space capsules. If you read Goddard's work it's not hard to wonder why it took so long to get to the moon, he could have gotten us there decades sooner. The guy in the last video doesn't even know how to say "augmented" right!
haha! Now don't be too hard on him just because he can't say his words right ;)
I do see all your points and prior to watching endless hours of conspiracy films (for the last ten years!) I would have been right there with you. Today however, I know there is an alternate hypothesis to all the points you raise.
So the only question remains... which side of the fence do I stand? This is a tough one when both realities are very pleasing to me :)
I would love to believe they faked the whole thing so whenever I find someone saying it I try to see if they are right and so far I am always disappointed, never a smoking gun. I have been to Cape Canaveral multiple times, and the national air and space museum and I actually saw an Atlas 5 launch from off Cape Canaveral last year. The launch is nothing short of awe inspiring, if you see one your doubts will be gone, it is hard to describe. I would suggest reading about Goddard, even just read his Wikipedia, or better yet read this paper and then consider that he wrote it in 1919
I have seen his prototypes and some of his instruments and inventions and drive by one of his launch sites all the time.
if you watch satellite tv the signals break up and go all blocky and twitchy all the time so of course there is plenty of that in broadcasts from the space station, if the space station was a movie set or video game 3d augmented or agUmented (like listening to GW Bush discuss nucUler weapons!) reality then the space station wouldn't be such a dump, there would not be all the crap everywhere and cramped spaces and dirty windows.
Interesting post because as a teen I was one of those who didn't believe it'd happened, but when I attempted to talk to my parents about it they poo-poo-ed me and let me know that my own great uncle was one of the NASA scientists at that time and so how could it be a lie?
But, here is an article where my uncle also expresses his disbelief: https://www.deseretnews.com/article/365408/TOP-SCIENTIST-FELT-DISBELIEF-AWE-OVER-LANDING.html
Excellent you have someone 'one the inside'! I am going to read your article directly after I'm done responding to the comments here...
Trust those childhood instincts I would say :)
Upvoted and resteemed!!!!!!!!
Thanks. I am glad you enjoyed :)
Then the question that comes to mind is, why would they lie? What would they have to gain or cover up?
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Perhaps they simply couldn't get there for whatever reason and didn't want anyone to know. And now the space program is an endless money maker for other projects they would rather we didn't know we were paying for. It would take a fair bit of international coordination but it could be done and the benefits are obvious.
I had questioned the Falcon 9 launch last winter because a lot of things didn't make sense.
Perhaps they're coving up a flat earth.
Hmmm. Flat Earth. Never been to space myself, so I can't chime in. 😁
Thanks for the link. Will check this after I am done here.
There are so many things which don't make sense...
Ok, then what would keep The USSR from calling out the USA? There was a space race. It’s odd that of two rival countries, one “wins” the race and both countries basically quit.
How does Russia benefit from covering for their “enemy”?
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There was a lot of money dumped into the space programs on both sides of that race...a win win for both sides. Who would ever tell?
yeah, all you would have to do was to get the Soviet Union to cooperate in the hoax with the US at the height of the cold war!
They were happy enough to sign the Antarctic Treaty during the cold war, so why not? I understand this is the longest standing and most successful treaty in history.
The Russians had a spy in Goddard's office and up until a certain point he actually collaborated with the Germans who later developed the V2. The same year as that treaty American engineers broke into an exposition and stole a Russian satellite and took the whole thing apart rebuilt it and returned it in one night.
That's not working together! ;)