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RE: Buzz Aldrin clearly states he didn't go to the moon

in #conspiracy6 years ago

if i could upvote this one 100,000 times i would. this video is gold. anyone who says he was lying, or was delirious, or senile, or whatever, really just needs to look into the moon "landings". no crater from the rocket, no dust on the lander's feet, an astronaut gets hoisted up by wires when he tips over, the footprints don't match their boot tread, the rover magically got there (carried how?), the craft has no compression/decompression chamber for their spacewalks, a huge hollywood set with huge models and moon paintings with camera tracks, lack of proper heat shields, the crafts are literally covered in construction paper, even the flag starts blowing in the wind in one of their vids, nevermind the van allen radiation belts hoax. oh, and don't even get me started on the thermosphere..!


I see you are familiar with this subject already ;)

Where are you at on flat earth?

I will understand if you prefer to respond to me privately on! I've noticed how this particular subject doesn't seem to go down so well in this community.

Once per week we have an "off-topic sunday" in our crypto/agorism group on telegram. There's a few hundred of us "crazies" in there now:

why would there be a crater? The dust on the moon is statically charged so it acts a little funny. For EVA they would have to decompress and recompress the whole cabin. Heat shield technology was invented decades before by Goddard.

You seem to have a great knowledge of this? I'm impressed!

I've had an interest in fake moon landing theories since I was a teen, I have not found a reallygood one yet.

This is great! You are the perfect person to pepper up my propositions with verifiable knowledge :)

I went to a summer camp with a class on conspiracy theories, we tried to test various psychic phenomena and went on a field trip to the city to create some mass hallucinations and such. And we watched some fake moon landing videos and analyzed them.

How the rover got there:

Well responded my friend. They do indeed have pictures of how the system was proposed to work... which one would expect really. It wouldn't be a very good hoax if they didn't ;)

It just seems like a hoax would be harder, going to the moon is not that hard, just expensive and mostly pointless. They went up there and drove around and played golf and took pictures and waxed philosophic, what's left?
Watching the space station video was cool, it's very much like a jetliner that we have all ridden on and safely carry millions of people aloft at 35,000 feet every day.